Hello l4-hackers,

I tried to use l4re hypervisor on raspberry pi 4. Prebuild image works but not for my needs.
In fact, I want to use l4re running on raspberry pi 4 (aarch64) with 1 or more tasks (such hello, ...) and 1 linux 64 bits vm like debian, fedora or opensuse.

When I try to compile :
- x86_64 (native) : fiasco, l4re, l4linux no problem,
- rpi3, 32bit (cross compile) : fiasco, l4re, l4linux no problem
- rpi4 64bit (cross compile) : fiasco l4re OK but nothing for l4linux :-(

In this last case, obj/l4linux directory is empty. Nothing created. Normal?

Do you have some advices for me please?

Thank you very much