While I was trying to boot the difffernt iso image from the grml.iso that was represented in your demo-CD I face a problem. It writes in log "boot from disk" and in the virtual machine screenš"VgaBios booting"šthat `s all. Nothing is going on. I tried to compile NUL from scratch but after compilation it does not even want to boot grml.iso image. Mayby I did something wrong in my .nulconfig file? You can see it bellow.

name::/s0/log name::/s0/admission name::/s0/events name::/s0/timer name::/s0/fs/rom sigma0::mem:500 sigma0::drive:1 ||
rom:///bin/apps/vancouver.nul vga_fbsize:4096 kbmodifier:0x40000 PC_PS2 ahci:0xe0900000,14 drive:1,0,1 ||
And one more question. I could not find any information on how to set virtual hard disk image to virtual machine. In other words how to show the Virtual machines which hard disk to use. Could you discribe this process or at least give me a link where to find this information. Thanks
Best Regards