Hello, L4 hackers.

I have one question. please help me..

I have failed booting 'L4 Linux + L4 + Fiasco' on my board(Freescale i.MX6 Quad SABRE SD : Cortex-A9 , ARMv7)
So, i'm try to boot 'Helloword + L4 + Fiasco' on my board

Such as..

$ svn cat http://svn.tudos.org/repos/oc/tudos/trunk/repomgr | perl - init http://svn.tudos.org/repos/oc/tudos fiasco l4re

1. L4 Re : configure and build (Success)
$ mkdir -p /path/to/obj/tudos
$ make O=/path/to/obj/tudos oldconfig
$ make O=/path/to/obj/tudos -j2

2. Fiasco : configure and build (Success)

$ cd /somedir/tudos/src/kernel/fiasco
$ make BUILDDIR=/path/to/obj/fiasco
$ cd /path/to/obj/fiasco
$ make menuconfig
$ make

3. But,when i try to 'make uimage' or 'make qemu', error is happened.

such as..


root@taeung-MS-7798:/path/to/obj2/tudos# make uimage E=hello-cfg MODULE_SEARCH_PATH=/path/to/obj2/fiasco/
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/taeung/Hello_test_l4/src/l4'
=========== Updating RAM_BASE for platform imx6 to 0x10000000 =========
  ... Regenerating RAM_BASE settings
Library dependencies missing: libc_minimal cxx_util cxx_io cxx_base cxx_io_kdebug l4sys-direct l4sys in directory '/home/taeung/Hello_test_l4/src/l4/pkg/sigma0/server/src'; aborting.
/home/taeung/Hello_test_l4/src/l4/mk/binary.inc:348: *** Cflags dependencies missing: libc_minimal cxx_util cxx_io cxx_base cxx_io_kdebug l4sys-direct l4sys in directory '/home/taeung/Hello_test_l4/src/l4/pkg/sigma0/server/src'; aborting..  Stop.
make[2]: *** [/path/to/obj2/tudos/pkg/sigma0/server/src/OBJ-arm_armv7a-l4f] Error 2
make[1]: *** [check_and_adjust_ram_base] Error 2


<< My Question >>
Although i search of 'Library dependencies missing: libc_minimal cxx_util cxx_io cxx_base cxx_io_kdebug l4sys-direct l4sys' in google.com,
i could'nt get information about this error.
I don't know why the problem is happened updating 'RAM_BASE for platform imx6 to 0x10000000'.

Please any help..


Taeung Song | Student of Computer Engineering
Hansung University.