I use GDB stubs exclusively, in Bochs as well as in QEMU (I did not try L4/Fiasco on other virtual machines so far, and only a few times on physical hardware). There are approaches for debugging in the L4 runtime environment, such as Valgrind and probably also GDB (although I am not sure about that). They are usually quite old and not all of them still work. If you like, you can take a look at some of the work presented at http://www.inf.tu-dresden.de/index.php?node_id=1701 and http://www.inf.tu-dresden.de/index.php?node_id=1429 .

Anyway, at least with simple applications, my first approach is usually a close examination of the code: go through all your setup, and if you are unsure at some point whether you did it right or not, try to type your problem into Google. If you cannot find anything, send an e-mail to the list. People here are usually very nice and patient and they will be happy to help.



P.S.: I answered you using the mailing list, and I would like to ask you to use the "Reply to list" or "Reply to all" button of your e-mail client, so that everyone can follow the discussion and benefit from our findings.

Am 02.04.2013 04:49, schrieb Jian Liu:

2013/4/2 Martin Unzner <munzner@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>

you mention bochsdbg, so maybe you want to use the Bochs GDB stub? http://bochs.sourceforge.net/doc/docbook/user/debugging-with-gdb.html tells you how to do so. Using GDB, you can debug all kinds of programs on source code level.

   Hi Martin,

       I am also wonder besides bochs, if there are other ways to debug fiasco system on source code level. What is your usual method to do it?

