L4/Linux problem

Sun-Mi You smyou at postech.ac.kr
Wed Nov 25 17:00:50 CET 1998

Our L4/Linux was hanged at follow code.

in 'linux/arch/l4-i386/chead.c '

  /* create idt */
    extern long idt_table;
    struct entry_t {unsigned short w0, w1,w2,w3;} ;
    struct entry_t *entries =
      (struct entry_t *)((unsigned long)emu_lib_text +
                         ((unsigned long)&idt_table - EMULIB_CODE_ADDRESS));
    unsigned short int tmp;
    int i;

=> this point!

    for (i=0; i<20; i++, entries++)
        tmp = entries->w1;
        entries->w1 = entries->w3;
        entries->w3 = tmp;

What problem is this?

( I think it may be some memory problem. )

Additionaly, our test platform is pentium/64Mb memory.

Thanks in advance. :)

   Sun-Mi You (smyou at postech.ac.kr)

   System Software Laboratory
   Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
   Phone: +82-562-279-5668


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