L4Linux 2.2; Remote CVS

Michael Hohmuth hohmuth at innocent.com
Wed Jun 9 19:16:42 CEST 1999


we've released a port of the Linux kernel version 2.2 (available via
remote CVS -- see below).  It runs quite stably on L4/x86, but we have
to conduct some more tests with Fiasco; that's why, we haven't
released a snapshot yet.

Also, we have set up read-only access to parts of our CVS repository:
you can now access via CVS the latest (unstable) code of L4Linux 2.0,
L4Linux 2.2, Fiasco, Rmgr (and other components of the L4 development
environment), and our versions of the OSKit and GRUB.

For access information, please visit

hohmuth at innocent.com, hohmuth at inf.tu-dresden.de

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