Driver available?

Frank Mehnert fm3 at
Mon Oct 11 09:55:27 CEST 1999

Christian Stueble wrote:

> 1)
> Mehnert96 and Stange96 both describe an environment to use
> Linux-drivers together with L3. Is something similar available
> to L4/Fiasco? If yes, where can the example implementations be
> found?

Unfortunately in German there is a paper that describes 
an environment to port the Linux SCSI driver to L4:

The source may be found at our CVS server.

> 2)
> Does L4-Linux directly access hardware ports? If yes, is it
> possible to prevent this behavior, e.g. by inserting a new
> "virtual hardware layer"?

In DROPS there is a Resource Manager (RMGR) that should control
all hardware resources needed by L4 tasks (physical memory,
hardware interrupts, I/O-ports). Until now I/O ports are not
implemented yet.

Frank Mehnert
## Dept. of Computer Science, TU-Dresden, Germany ##
## email: fm3 at ##

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