Question about map operation

Jonathan S. Shapiro shap at
Sat Dec 6 16:31:53 CET 2003

On Fri, 2003-12-05 at 16:49, Gernot Heiser wrote:
> >>>>> On 05 Dec 2003 13:49:02 -0500, "Jonathan S. Shapiro" <shap at> said:
> JSS> Believe it or not, I'm converging, but I'm trying to do it respectfully,
> JSS> which means asking an unreasonable number of stupid questions at high
> JSS> speed. :-)
> JSS> Now that I understand the shape of GPTs, I would like to understand the
> JSS> *mechanism* of the map operation. In particular, I would like to
> JSS> understand how the book-keeping mechanism works.
> Hi Jon,
> It seems that you're under a bit of a misconception here. GPTs are a
> pure implementation issue as far as L4 is concerned....

Thanks, Gernot. Shortly after posting the question, I had a brief phone
discussion with Volkmar, which cleared this up for me.


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