IPC/Capabilities Overview

M. Edward Borasky znmeb at aracnet.com
Thu Jan 1 04:20:26 CET 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: l4-hackers-bounces at os.inf.tu-dresden.de 
> [mailto:l4-hackers-bounces at os.inf.tu-dresden.de] On Behalf Of 
> Jonathan S. Shapiro
> Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 4:37 PM
> To: rudykoot at mithrill.org
> Cc: L4 Hackers List
> Subject: Re: IPC/Capabilities Overview
> I have already responded to the substance of Rudy's note, so 
> just a few brief points here.
> On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 11:39, Rudy Koot wrote:
> > This goes in against their believe that "A computers get 
> faster memory 
> > acess
> > get relativly slower, therefore memory access should be 
> avoided during IPC". 
> Based on history of processor architecture over the last 30 
> years, this belief is very well motivated. The problem is 
> likely to get worse, not better.

Yes, memories get *bigger* but not faster. So memory hierarchies get deeper.
I wonder if operating systems shouldn't have a "deeper hierarchy" as well
... A "nanokernel" that lives in the processor and its registers, a
"microkernel" that lives in the level 1 cache, etc. 

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
mailto:znmeb at borasky-research.net
"Suppose that tonight, while you sleep, a miracle happens - you wake up
tomorrow with what you have longed for! How will you discover that a miracle
happened? How will your loved ones? What will be different? What will you
notice? What do you need to explode into tomorrow with grace, power, love,
passion and confidence?" -- L. Michael Hall, PhD

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