L4Linux 2.4

Ronald Aigner ra3 at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Tue Feb 3 11:12:24 CET 2004

Ronald Aigner wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some feature requests for L4Linux 2.4(L4Env):
> My kernel paniced, because I didn't read the Howto on the webpage 
> correctly and the I couldn't do anything with my computer, except 
> pressing the reset button. Could it by possible to enter ther kernel 
> debugger when panicing?
> On the webpages: A description on how to use L4Linux with DOpE would be 
> helpful.
Oh, and precompiled images with default configuration would be great!

> Ron.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / with regards
ra3 @ inf.tu-dresden.de

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