deprecated practices in grub package - cause problem with gcc 3.4.2

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Thu Feb 24 11:40:38 CET 2005

On Wed Feb 23, 2005 at 23:49:43 -0600, Jayesh Salvi wrote:
> I recently installed Fedora Core 3 and tried to compile the grub package
> for L4 using gcc 3.4.2, I got some trivial compilation errors. Upon
> trying the compilation on different machine with gcc 3.1 I found some
> code following deprecated practices that escapes as warnings in < 3.4.2
> but throws compilation errors with 3.4.2. Here are three such case I
> found in the grub package. If this is indeed the case it might be
> helpful to make the necessary changes to the repository code.

This version of grub is a bit old (to put it mildly), you may want to
try my patch from
which compiles with 3.4. This version has some features added that I
find useful and works for me.

> I am not sure what is wrong with the linking of memcpy function. Please
> advise.

gcc generates calls to memcpy (if not told otherwise) when e.g. copying
structs (e.g. *x = *y), so it has to be there. In this version of grub
it's not there.

Adam                 adam at

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