TCP/IP between L4Linux and L4 task

Bernhard Kauer kauer at
Thu May 11 14:59:16 CEST 2006

On Thu, May 11, 2006 at 02:33:25PM +0200, Bjoern Doebel wrote:

> From: Bjoern Doebel <doebel at>
> To: Stefan Scheler <lists at>
> Subject: Re: TCP/IP between L4Linux and L4 task
> X-Enigmail-Version:
> > eth0: Overwriting IRQ type for IRQ 0 with l4ore type!
> > eth0: request_irq(0, ...) failed
> > 
> > Unfortunately this thread didn't come to a solution. Any further ideas?
> Just a guess: Have you configured any other network devices inside
> L4Linux, so that these grab the IRQ before the ORe driver does?

I had the same problem when using the "lo" interface in the l4linux-ore disk image
I have build for OpenTC.

The reason was that ORe can not guess an IRQ for this interface but L4Linux needs
one. You can overwrite the IRQ and the interface by giving something like
"l4ore.oredev=lo l4ore.irqnum=13" on the L4Linux command line.


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