Automated regression test suite for L4

Carsten Weinhold weinhold at
Wed Apr 18 20:57:51 CEST 2007

Am Mittwoch April 18 2007 schrieb Bjoern Doebel:
> Hi,

Hi all!

> > Is there an automated regression test suite for L4 that covers all (or
> > most of) the features of the l4 kernel?  Is there also an automated
> > benchmarking suite?
> >
> > These would be great tools to have available for people who are porting
> > the kernel to new platforms/dev boards, or for people who are looking to
> > tweak/play with the kernel.
> Since L4/Fiasco is a microkernel, you probably don't only want to test
> certain kernel features but only the services provided by basic servers
> such as the L4Env. [...]

There is also an L4 package that runs IPC tests and performance measurements 
directly on top of the L4/Fiasco microkernel. It is called 'pingpong' and it 
is included in the l4/pkg/ directory of our remote SVN.


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