Compiling L4 with a different Fiasco Config

Stefan Kögel stefan-wieland.koegel at
Fri Jun 13 13:22:32 CEST 2008

I downloaded the svn (version 373) hello module and would like to 
compile it.

I use:
- make -C l4 O=/my-build oldconfig
- make O=/my-build

Here "make" always compiles the kernel using the ia32short template.

Compiling Fiasco separately with a different config works fine.

Now my questions:
Is it possible to build L4 using a different Fiasco Config? If so, how?

Is it possible to compile L4 hello module without building the kernel 
and use this together with the separately build kernel? If so, how?

Thanks for your help.

Kind Regards, Stefan

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