multi-core support for fiasco? v.s. multi-processor?

Zhang Yinfei zhangyinfei at
Wed Jul 2 18:05:42 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I've listened to a lecture by Prof. Hermann Haertig about L4 in my
university and I'm quite interested in doing some research on L4/Fiasco.
I've reviewed some source code of Fiasco recently and one thing I can think
of is to add multi-core support for L4/Fiasco. In my investigation, there
are some people wrote papers about adding multi-processor (SMP) support for
L4 but no one is talking about multi-core support. Is there a big difference
between these two in the aspect of fiasco kernel? I'd be very appreciated if
you guys can give me some opinions on this. Thanks.

Thanks & Best Regards,
Zhang Yinfei
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