Problem with the configuring user-level code of L4Ka::Pistachio

Святослав Сидоров sidsv at
Sun Nov 30 12:34:06 CET 2008

I'm trying to configure the user-level code of L4 as written in instruction:

but there is no configure file in the user directory:

debian:/home/svet/l4dev/l4ka-pistachio-081128-01/ia32-user-build# ../user/configure --prefix=../ia32-user-install --with-kerneldir=../x86-kernel-build
bash: ../user/configure: No such file or directory

debian:/home/svet/l4dev/l4ka-pistachio-081128-01/ia32-user-build# cd ../user; ls
apps  contrib  include  INSTALL  install-sh  lib  Mk  README.HG  serv  util

In INSTALL file I read that the configure file should be in the main source directory of L4:

The simplest way to compile Pistachio using separate build directories

   1. Create a directory BUILDDIR to host the build tree.

   2. `cd' to the newly created BUILDDIR directory and run the
      `configure' script located in the main source directory.  For
      example, if you create a directory `SRCDIR/build' and `cd' to
      this directory, you can run `../configure' to invoke the
      configure script.

 but there is no such file too:

debian:/home/svet/l4dev/l4ka-pistachio-081128-01/user# cd ..; ls
AUTHORS  contrib  doc  ia32-user-build  kernel  tools  user  x86-kernel-build

What should I do to build the L4?

Also this problem is described in message:

With the best regards,

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