L4 env have error when compile

Adam Lackorzynski adam at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Tue Jan 22 14:34:50 CET 2008

On Tue Jan 22, 2008 at 02:59:13 -0500, wira wrote:
> I checkout the hello package and compile it with gcc and g++-3.4, and it
> seems fine. But after I checkout the l4env package, and compile everything
> back, this error appears:
> lthread.p -ldm_generic.p -ldm_mem.p -lslab.p -ll4env_err.p -ll4rm.p -
> ll4env.p -llogserver.p -lnames.p -lroot.p -lc_be_l4env_start_stop.p
> -lc_be_minimal_log_io.p -lc_be_simple_mem.p -lc_be_mmap.p -lc_be_mmap_util.p
> -luclibc_support.p -lgeneric_ts.p  -lgeneric_fprov.p
> -lloaderif.p-ll4util_root.p -
> lsigma0.p --no-whole-archive -ll4sys.p -ll4util.p -ul4util_reboot
> -ugetopt_long /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/3.4.6/libgcc.a
> ld: cannot find -lgeneric_fprov.p
> make[5]: *** [libloader.s.so] Error 1
> make[5]: Leaving directory
> `/home/fiasco/build/pkg/loader/lib/runtime/OBJ-x86_586-l4v2'
> make[4]: *** [/home/fiasco/build/pkg/loader/lib/runtime/OBJ-x86_586-l4v2]
> Error 2

That was my fault and I fixed it. Either you update from svn or just go
to l4/pkg/generic_fprov to make there and then continue with make in
l4/pkg. It should work then.

> My question is, is there any different in using the 3.4 and 4.1 version of
> gcc/g++? It seems that the hello package compiled fine with both of the
> compiler version, but the l4env package have some error on my machine.
> Advice needed..

Either is fine, altough we use more and more 4.1 and 4.2 nowadays. And
this compile failure has nothing to do with the compiler version. It's
just that a library is not yet there... (dependency issue)

Adam                 adam at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
  Lackorzynski         http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/~adam/

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