What's wrong with my l4con

Adam Lackorzynski adam at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Mon Jan 28 15:44:56 CET 2008


On Fri Jan 25, 2008 at 11:20:27 +0800, fei li wrote:
> These days I have tested l4con on my machine. First I just move the l4con
> package into my L4Linux directory and modify my menu.lst, but I can't get
> the result. Then I copy the menu.lst from the wiki, and it's ok. Now I have
> several questions and hope someone helps me.
> This is my own menu.lst
> title        L4Linux26/Fiasco+dope
> kernel      /boot/L4Linux/bootstrap
> modaddr    0x06000000
> module     /boot/L4Linux/fiasco -nokdb -serial_esc
> module     /boot/L4Linux/sigma0
> module     /boot/L4Linux/roottask task modname "bmodfs" attached 7 modules
> module     /boot/L4Linux/events
> module     /boot/L4Linux/names --events
> module     /boot/L4Linux/log --events
> module     /boot/L4Linux/dde26_test
> module     /boot/L4Linux/dm_phys --isa=0x00800000 -v --events
> module     /boot/L4Linux/simple_ts -t 300 --events
> module     /boot/L4Linux/rtc --events
> module     /boot/L4Linux/l4io --noirq --events module
> module     /boot/L4Linux/con
> module     /boot/L4Linux/run
> module     /boot/L4Linux/loader --fprov=BMODFS run linux26.cfg
> module     /boot/L4Linux/bmodfs
> module     /boot/L4Linux/vmlinuz
> module     /boot/L4Linux/drops.rd
> module     /boot/L4Linux/linux26.cfg
> module     /boot/L4Linux/libloader.s.so
> module     /boot/L4Linux/libld-l4.s.so
> vbeset 0x117
> The next one is what I got from the web.
> title           L4Linux26/Fiasco+dope
> kernel        /boot/L4Linux/bootstrap
> modaddr        0x06000000
> module        /boot/L4Linux/fiasco -nokdb -serial_esc
> module        /boot/L4Linux/sigma0
> module        /boot/L4Linux/roottask task modname "bmodfs" attached 6 modules
> module        /boot/L4Linux/names
> module        /boot/L4Linux/log
> module        /boot/L4Linux/dm_phys --isa=0x00800000
> module        /boot/L4Linux/simple_ts -t 300
> module        /boot/L4Linux/rtc
> module        /boot/L4Linux/l4io
> module        /boot/L4Linux/con
> module        /boot/L4Linux/bmodfs
> module        /boot/L4Linux/linux26.cfg
> module        /boot/L4Linux/libloader.s.so
> module        /boot/L4Linux/libld-l4.s.so
> module        /boot/L4Linux/run
> module        /boot/L4Linux/vmlinuz
> module        /boot/L4Linux/drops.rd
> module        /boot/L4Linux/loader --fprov=BMODFS run linux26.cfg
> vbeset        0x117
> Compare the two, first I find my own has a events module more and some
> options about events, then I add these to the one I got from the web, but it
> runs ok without any problem.
> Then I changed the last lines' sequence and my own menu.lst works. Maybe
> that's the problem, but I'm not very sure.

I don't know if this is your problem but your menu.lst says that the
bmodfs programs gets 7 modules attached but there are only 5 left! So
change the "attached 7 modules" to "attached 5 modules" and it should
look better. Otherwise your menu.lst doesn't look too bad. You should
also remove the dde26_test program.

> Another thing puzzled me was that when I entered in the l4con and in the
> command line state, I wanted to quit from the l4con and input Q, then the
> messge is "input 'y' to quit",  I  input 'y', but it's not responding, when
> I input 'z', it says OK, what does this mean??

That's because on a german keyboard y and z are swapped compared to an
english one. We should probably make the english keymap the default. So
don't worry.

Adam                 adam at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
  Lackorzynski         http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/~adam/

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