Linux 2.6.24 L4FB and VGA_CONSOLE

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Sun Feb 24 20:06:39 CET 2008

On Fri Feb 22, 2008 at 12:05:44 +0100, Marc CHALAND wrote:
> Sorry Adam, I think I have trouble with my ISP. I didn't get your mail.
Not good.

> >From Adam Lackorzynski
> > I think it has nothing to do with CONFIG_EMBEDDED.
> Thank you for this info. So you confirm, to build l4linux with L4con,
> EMBEDDED should be set on version 2.6.24 ?

To disable VGA EMBEDDED must be enabled, so yes.
> >With 'sometimes', do you mean it's hard to trigger or
> > rather that it doesn't matter which program you use?
> It's easy to trigger (during init). But never at the same moment.

Ok, still strange, because it works perfectly for me.

Adam                 adam at

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