Fiasco compilation with ubuntu

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Wed Apr 16 10:26:23 CEST 2008

Hi Marc,

On Tue Apr 15, 2008 at 19:00:23 +0200, Marc CHALAND wrote:
>  I get problem with our version of ubuntu to compile fiasco. date
>  doesn't work exactly in a same manner as gentoo and debian. It adds
>  "(+02.00)" at the end of output which disturbs make process. Here is
>  the patch that we use. It works on debian and gentoo also.

Ok, the -R is probably a good thing to add but anyway I'd like to know
where this happens but cannot see this behaviour in any Ubuntu version I
tried. Which Ubuntu and maybe any 'strange' locale set?

Adam                 adam at

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