another error while I compile l4

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Mon May 19 23:47:13 CEST 2008

On Mon May 19, 2008 at 21:28:53 +0800, l4 wrote:
> system to
> compile l4,then i do.The l4 can work ,but the qemu is not very stable on
> my computer,sometimes I even can't login the qemu.So I recompile l4 on
> my computer again by using the latest tudos package.The error come out
> again :
> ------------------------
>           ==> "bootstrap" built
>           ... Generating bootstrap32.bin
>         objcopy -S bootstrap bootstrap64.bin
>         chmod -x bootstrap64.bin
>         objcopy -B i386 -I binary -O elf32-i386 bootstrap64.bin
>         bootstrap32.bin
>           ==> Linking bootstrap32
>         gcc -o bootstrap32 -nostdlib -static \
> -Wl,-T,/home/l4/tudos/l4/pkg/bootstrap/server/src/ARCH-amd64/boot32/bootstrap32.ld,--gc-sections boot.o32 boot_idt.o32 boot_cpu.o32 boot_kernel.o32 load_elf.o32 minilibc_support.o32 bootstrap32.bin /home/l4/tudos/build/pkg/bootstrap/server/src/ARCH-amd64/libc32/OBJ-amd64_k8/libc32.a -lgcc
>         /usr/bin/ld: i386 architecture of input file `boot.o32' is
>         incompatible with i386:x86-64 output

Does it help if you add -m32 to the CC32 line in
/home/l4/tudos/l4/pkg/bootstrap/server/src/Makefile? like this:
CC32             = $(filter-out -m64, $(CC)) -m32

Adam                 adam at

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