Question about ipcmon and assembler IPC shortcut

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Fri May 30 10:56:23 CEST 2008

Salut Marc,

On Tue May 27, 2008 at 16:40:01 +0200, Marc CHALAND wrote:
> I've made a little test with ipcmon. This test is a simple application
> launched by loader which makes an IPC to names (05) and to log server
> (06).
> With assembler IPC shortcut, I don't need to set an accept rule to
> names. ipcmon doesn't handle requests to names. If I activate jdb IPC
> monitoring, then IPC to names are handled by ipcmon. After some more
> checking, it seems that assembler IPC shortcut doesn't care about
> parity. For example, if 4 (roottask) is allowed, then 5 is also
> allowed only for assembler code. I tried to find a bug, but I don't
> know where capability is checked in assembler code (ia32). Does
> anybody know where this check is done ?

Yes, right observation. Asm-Shortcut shall not be used with task-caps.
I've adjusted to the config to act accordingly.

Adam                 adam at

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