sound server

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Mon Jun 23 20:20:10 CEST 2008

On Mon Jun 23, 2008 at 13:00:37 +0800, Saya Sheng (²±²Q¿·) wrote:
> Hi,all
> I'd like to use the sound server in dde_linux package to drive my
> audio card and play a mpeg file with ffmpeg to test whether if it is
> workable.
> >From the menu.lst in the dde_linux package, only pcm file can be played?
This is mostly raw audio data, i.e. data that can be used quite directly
for output. I would not take audio decoding as part of a driver.
>  kernel (nd)/tftpboot/USER/bootstrap
>  module (nd)/tftpboot/USER/fiasco -nowait -nokdb
>  module (nd)/tftpboot/USER/sigma0
>  module (nd)/tftpboot/USER/roottask task modname "sounddrv-foo" module
>  module (nd)/tftpboot/USER/names
>  module (nd)/tftpboot/USER/log
>  module (nd)/tftpboot/USER/dm_phys
>  module (nd)/tftpboot/USER/l4io --noirq
>  module (nd)/tftpboot/USER/sounddrv-foo
>  modaddr 0x01000000
>  module (nd)/tftpboot/USER/sample.pcm sample1
>                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                                             what does this stand for?

Data modules can also have arguments. In this case those are just
comments and not used in the program.

Adam                 adam at

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