l4linux booting problem

fei li tezuka158 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 03:13:03 CEST 2008


I,m very sorry that I haven't put all the information when I started
L4Linux, this time I'll show you the log completely and wish for your help.

L4 Bootstrapper
  move modules to 2000000 with offset 1d22000
  move module 17 start f45000 -> 2c67000
  move module 16 start ecc000 -> 2bee000
  move module 15 start e2d000 -> 2b4f000
  move module 14 start e2c000 -> 2b4e000
  move module 13 start b1a000 -> 283c000
  move module 12 start a74000 -> 2796000
  move module 11 start 998000 -> 26ba000
  move module 10 start 80f000 -> 2531000
  move module 9 start 7e0000 -> 2502000
  move module 8 start 793000 -> 24b5000
  move module 7 start 6f9000 -> 241b000
  move module 6 start 6b9000 -> 23db000
  move module 5 start 44a000 -> 216c000
  move module 4 start 409000 -> 212b000
  move module 3 start 36e000 -> 2090000
  move module 2 start 337000 -> 2059000
  move module 1 start 2de000 -> 2000000
  Scanning /fiasco -serial_esc -comport 1
  Scanning /sigma0
  Scanning /roottask task modname "bmodfs" attached 5 modules
  Bootloader MMAP:
    [        0,     9fc00) RAM (1)
    [    9fc00,     a0000) reserved (2)
    [    e8000,    100000) reserved (2)
    [   100000,   c800000) RAM (1)
    [ fffc0000, 100000000) reserved (2)
  Relocated mbi to [0x61000-0x61276]
  Loading /fiasco
  Loading /sigma0
  Loading /roottask
  find kernel info page...
  found kernel info page at 0x1000
    [     1000,     60fff] Kern   /fiasco
    [    61000,     61373] Root   Multiboot info
    [    9fc00,     9ffff] Arch   BIOS
    [    e8000,     fffff] Arch   BIOS
    [   100000,    10937f] Sigma0 /sigma0
    [   110000,    2adfff] Root   /roottask
    [   2d0000,    2dab7f] Boot   bootstrap
    [   300000,    38fd5f] Kern   /fiasco
    [  212b000,   3c66fff] Root   Modules Memory
    [ fffc0000,  ffffffff] Arch   BIOS
  API Version: (87) experimental
  Sigma0 config    ip:001047b8 sp:002da740
  Roottask config  ip:00110000 sp:00000000
  Starting kernel /fiasco at 003008b8

Welcome to Fiasco(ia32)!
DD-L4(v2)/ia32 microkernel (C) 1998-2008 TU Dresden
Rev: rUNKNOWN compiled with gcc 4.1.3 for Intel Pentium    []
Performance-critical config option(s) detected:

Enabling special fully nested mode for PIC
Using the PIT (i8254) on IRQ 0 for scheduling
SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart
SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart
Not using serial hack in slow timer handler.
Absolute KIP Syscalls using: Sysenter
CPU: GenuineIntel (6:3:3:0) Model: Unknown CPU at 2573 MHz

   8 KB L1 I Cache (4-way associative, 32 bytes per line)

Freeing init code/data: 20480 bytes (5 pages)

Calibrating timer loop... done.
SIGMA0: Hello!
  KIP @ 1000
  Found Fiasco: KIP syscalls: yes
  allocated 4KB for maintenance structures

  Command line found: "/roottask task modname "bmodfs" attached 5 modules "

  204415kB ( 199MB) total RAM (reported by bootloader)
  182648kB ( 179MB) received RAM from Sigma0
   29540kB (  29MB) reserved RAM for RMGR
  Received I/O ports 0000-ffff
  Attached irqs = [ <!0> 1 <!2> 3 <!4> 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 11 ]

Roottask: Parsing command line config.
  configured task 0x00 (bmodfs):
    vm_offs:0 irq:3ffff lmcp:ffff allow_cli:0 mcp:ff prio:10 small:ff mods:5

Roottask: Loading 14 modules.
#05: loading "/names"
     from [0212b000-0216b0ef] to [002d0000-002d67d7][002d7000-002e2000]
     entry at 0005c060 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [0b7fe000-0b800000] (8kB), lines at [0b7f8000-0b7fe000]
#06: loading "/l4io"
     from [0216c000-023dab56] to [00c20000-00c44a25][00c45000-00cb3000]
     entry at 0005d060 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [0b7a2000-0b7f8000] (344kB), lines at [0b788000-0b7a2000]
#07: loading "/events"
     from [023db000-0241a320] to [01540000-01548d50][01549000-0155e5b0]
     entry at 0005e060 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [0b786000-0b788000] (8kB), lines at [0b77f000-0b786000]
#08: loading "/dm_phys"
     from [0241b000-024b46a8] to [01500000-01513ad7][01514000-0151e000]
     entry at 0005f064 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [0b77a000-0b77f000] (20kB), lines at [0b76c000-0b77a000]
#09: loading "/simple_ts"
     from [024b5000-025012f6] to [01400000-01408bca][01409000-01418608]
     entry at 00060064 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [0b76a000-0b76c000] (8kB), lines at [0b762000-0b76a000]
#0a: loading "/rtc"
     from [02502000-02530623] to [01080000-01084660][01085000-0108a000]
     entry at 00062060 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [0b760000-0b762000] (8kB), lines at [0b75b000-0b760000]
#0b: loading "/con --vbemode 0x117"
     from [02531000-026b976b] to [00b00000-00b51791][00b52000-00b72000]
     entry at 00063070 via trampoline page code
     symbols at [0b74e000-0b75b000] (52kB), lines at [0b71b000-0b74e000]
#0c: loading "/loader --fprov=BOMDFS l4linux.cfg"
     from [026ba000-027956f1] to [01300000-01327fb1][01328000-01347000]
     entry at 0006407c via trampoline page code
     symbols at [0b714000-0b71b000] (28kB), lines at [0b6fa000-0b714000]
#0d: loading "/bmodfs"
     from [02796000-0283bd12] to [01220000-01238551][01239000-01250000]
     passing module /vmlinuz                              [
0283c000-02b4d960 ]
     passing module /l4linux.cfg                          [
02b4e000-02b4e090 ]
     passing module /libloader.s.so                       [
02b4f000-02bedcb8 ]
     passing module /libld-l4.s.so                        [
02bee000-02c66cdd ]
     passing module /drops-rd.rd                          [
02c67000-03c67000 ]
     entry at 000650fc via trampoline page code
     symbols at [0b6f5000-0b6fa000] (20kB), lines at [0b6e2000-0b6f5000]

*rtc     | Date:22.07.2008 Time:01:12:47
*simplets| Configured for 64 tasks.
*bmodfs  | Passed the following modules:
*bmodfs  |   module "/vmlinuz" (3143kB)
*bmodfs  |   module "/l4linux.cfg" (1kB)
*bmodfs  |   module "/libloader.s.so" (636kB)
*bmodfs  |   module "/libld-l4.s.so" (484kB)
*bmodfs  |   module "/drops-rd.rd" (16384kB)
*con     | Using fast memcpy.
*io      | Using platform configuration 'x86'
*io      | PCI: Using configuration type 1
*io      | PCI: Probing PCI hardware
*io      | PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00)
*io      | PCI: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release on 00:01.0
*io      | Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers.
*io      | Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds.
*io      | 00000000-ffffffff : PCI mem
*io      |   e0000000-e1ffffff : Cirrus Logic GD 5446
*io      |   e2000000-e2000fff : Cirrus Logic GD 5446
*io      | 0000-ffff : PCI IO
*io      |   0cf8-0cff : PCI conf1
*io      |   1000-100f : Intel Corporation 82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton
*io      |   1400-14ff : Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8029(AS)
*io      |   b100-b11f : Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI
*io      | Available IRQs=[ <!0> 1 <!2> 3 <!4> 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 ]
*con     | Character size is 8x14, font has 256 characters
*con     | Trying execution of ``set VBE mode'' using x86emu
*con     | Found VESA BIOS version 2.0
*con     | OEM VGABIOS Cirrus extension
*con     | VBE mode 0x117 successfully set.
*con     | VESA reports 1024x768 at 16 2048bpl (00bb) [4096kB]
*con     | Color mapping: red=11:5 green=5:6 blue=0:5 res=0:0
*con     | No supported accelerated graphics card detected
*con     | Mapped I/O video mem  e0000000 => 00400000 [4096kB] via l4io
*con     | Using MMXEXT for colorspace transform
*con     | L4INPUT native mode activated
*con     | L4INPUT:                !!! W A R N I N G !!!
*con     | L4INPUT:  Please, do not use Fiasco's "-esc" with L4INPUT.
*con     | L4INPUT:                !!! W A R N I N G !!!
*con     | L4INPUT: Registered 0xb03d90 for callbacks.
ROOT: Sending ports 0060-006f to task #06
*con     | serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
*con     | serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
*con     | input: ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse on isa0060/serio1
*con     | input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard on isa0060/serio0
*con     | input: PC Speaker
*con     | input: L4 input event injector
*con     | L4 input event injector: IRQ handler up
*con     | connect "ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse", isa0060/serio1/input0
*con     | connect "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard", isa0060/serio0/input0
*con     | connect "PC Speaker", isa0061/input0
*con     | connect "L4 input event injector", l4/sys
*con     | Running as B.02. Video mode is 1024x768 at 16.
*loader  | File provider "BOMDFS" not found
*loader  |
*loader  | Exiting with -8
*simplets| l4_ts_exit_component(): Cannot exit C.02 (reserved or

2008/7/21 fei li <tezuka158 at gmail.com>:

> Hi,all
> I have compiled l4linux and tried to boot it in qemu environment. My
> hardware environment is
> CPU: Celeron D 2.53G,512M memor.
> Next is my menu.lst
> title L4Linux
> kernel /bootstrap -serial -modaddr 0x2000000
> module /fiasco -serial_esc -comport 1
> module /sigma0
> module /roottask task modname "bmodfs" attached 5 modules
> module /names
> module /l4io
> module /events
> module /dm_phys
> module /simple_ts
> module /rtc
> module /con --vbemode 0x117
> module /bmodfs
> module /vmlinuz
> module /l4linux.cfg
> module /libloader.s.so
> module /libld-l4.s.so
> module /drops-rd.rd
> module /loader --fprov=BMODFS l4linux.cfg
> In l4linux.cfg, I wrote
> sleep 1
> task "vmlinuz" "mem=64M load_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size=16384 root=/dev/ram
> l4env_rd=drops-rd.rd"
>     all_sects_writable
>     allow_cli
>     allow_vga
> and I use qemu -serial stdio -m 200 -cdrom image.iso to boot, at fisrt it
> told me qemu didn't have enough main memory, so I assigned 200M, then I got
> the errors below
> *simplets| Configured for 64 tasks.
> *rtc     | Date:21.07.2008 Time:13:55:24
> *bmodfs  | Passed the following modules:
> *bmodfs  |   module "/vmlinuz" (3143kB)
> *bmodfs  |   module "/l4linux.cfg" (1kB)
> *bmodfs  |   module "/libloader.s.so" (636kB)
> *bmodfs  |   module "/libld-l4.s.so" (484kB)
> *bmodfs  |   module "/drops-rd.rd" (16384kB)
> *io      | Using platform configuration 'x86'
> *io      | PCI: Using configuration type 1
> *io      | PCI: Probing PCI hardware
> *io      | PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00)
> *io      | PCI: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release on 00:01.0
> *io      | Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers.
> *io      | Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds.
> *io      | 00000000-ffffffff : PCI mem
> *io      |   e0000000-e1ffffff : Cirrus Logic GD 5446
> *io      |   e2000000-e2000fff : Cirrus Logic GD 5446
> *io      | 0000-ffff : PCI IO
> *io      |   0cf8-0cff : PCI conf1
> *io      |   1000-100f : Intel Corporation 82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton
> II]
> *io      |   1400-14ff : Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8029(AS)
> *io      |   b100-b11f : Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI
> *con     | Using fast memcpy.
> *io      | Available IRQs=[ <!0> 1 <!2> 3 <!4> 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 10 11
> ]
> *con     | Character size is 8x14, font has 256 characters
> *con     | Trying execution of ``set VBE mode'' using x86emu
> *con     | Found VESA BIOS version 2.0
> *con     | OEM VGABIOS Cirrus extension
> *con     | VBE mode 0x117 successfully set.
> *con     | VESA reports 1024x768 at 16 2048bpl (00bb) [4096kB]
> *con     | Color mapping: red=11:5 green=5:6 blue=0:5 res=0:0
> *con     | No supported accelerated graphics card detected
> *con     | Mapped I/O video mem  e0000000 => 00400000 [4096kB] via l4io
> *con     | Using MMXEXT for colorspace transform
> *con     | L4INPUT native mode activated
> *con     | L4INPUT:                !!! W A R N I N G !!!
> *con     | L4INPUT:  Please, do not use Fiasco's "-esc" with L4INPUT.
> *con     | L4INPUT:                !!! W A R N I N G !!!
> *con     | L4INPUT: Registered 0xb03d90 for callbacks.
> ROOT: Sending ports 0060-006f to task #06
> *con     | serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
> *con     | serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
> *con     | input: ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse on isa0060/serio1
> *con     | input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard on isa0060/serio0
> *con     | input: PC Speaker
> *con     | input: L4 input event injector
> *con     | L4 input event injector: IRQ handler up
> *con     | connect "ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse", isa0060/serio1/input0
> *con     | connect "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard", isa0060/serio0/input0
> *con     | connect "PC Speaker", isa0061/input0
> *con     | connect "L4 input event injector", l4/sys
> *con     | Running as B.02. Video mode is 1024x768 at 16.
> *loader  | sleeping for 1000 ms
> *loader  | vmlinuz: Starting application using libld-l4.s.so
> *loader  | vmlinuz,#e: Loading binary
> *loader  | vmlinuz,#e: Loading ldso
> *loader  | vmlinuz,#e: Starting libld-l4.s.so at 000138b0 via 0000cf3c
> *l4lx    | ======> L4Linux 2.6 starting... <========
> *l4lx    | Linux version 2.6.23-l4 (licy at licy) (gcc version 4.1.3 20070929
> (prer
> *l4lx    : elease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)) #1 Mon Jul 21 16:23:26 CST
> 2008
> *l4lx    | Binary name: vmlinuz
> *l4lx    | Kernel command line (5 args): mem=64M load_ramdisk=1
> ramdisk_size=163
> *l4lx    : 84 root=/dev/ram l4env_rd=drops-rd.rd
> *l4lx    | Image: 00400000 - 007b4000 [3792 KiB].
> *l4lx    | Areas: Text:     00400000 - 006b4000 [2768kB] (a bit longer)
> *l4lx    |        Data:     006b4000 - 006d307c [124kB]
> *l4lx    |        Initdata: 006d6000 - 00710000 [232kB]
> *l4lx    |        BSS:      00712000 - 007b1080 [636kB]
> *l4lx    | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 0e.03 (tamer0)
> *l4lx    | Tamer0 is 0e.03
> *l4lx    | Using tamed mode.
> *l4lx    | Connecting to l4io server.
> *l4lx    | l4env_linux_startup thread 4.
> *l4lx    | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 0e.04 (cpu0)
> *l4lx    | main thread will be 0e.04
> *l4lx    | l4env_register_pointer_section: addr = 00400000 size = 3215360
> *l4lx    |      sec-w-init: virt: 0x00400000 to 0x00710fff [3140 KiB]
> *l4lx    | Noncontiguous region for sec-w-init
> *l4lx    |      sec-w-init: Number of physical regions: 5, 3215360 Bytes
> *l4lx    |      sec-w-init: 1: Phys: 0x0108a000 to 0x010ea000, Size:
> 393216
> *l4lx    |      sec-w-init: 2: Phys: 0x012f2000 to 0x01300000, Size:
> 57344
> *l4lx    |      sec-w-init: 3: Phys: 0x001aa000 to 0x002ad000, Size:
> 1060864
> *l4lx    |      sec-w-init: 4: Phys: 0x01419000 to 0x01500000, Size:
> 946176
> *l4lx    |      sec-w-init: 5: Phys: 0x01347000 to 0x01400000, Size:
> 757760
> *l4lx    | main thread: received startup message.
> *l4lx    | Main thread running, waiting...
> *l4lx    | setup_l4env_memory: Forcing superpages for main memory
> *l4lx    | Main memory size: 64MB
> *l4lx    |     Main memory: virt: 0x00800000 to 0x047fffff [65536 KiB]
> *l4lx    |     Main memory: Number of physical regions: 1, 67108864 Bytes
> *l4lx    |     Main memory: 1: Phys: 0x03c00000 to 0x07c00000, Size:
> 67108864
> *l4lx    | Filling lower ptabs...
> *l4lx    | Done (1032 entries).
> *l4lx    | l4env_register_pointer_section: addr = 00712000 size = 663552
> *l4lx    |             end: virt: 0x00712000 to 0x007b3fff [648 KiB]
> *l4lx    |             end: Number of physical regions: 1, 663552 Bytes
> *l4lx    |             end: 1: Phys: 0x01250000 to 0x012f2000, Size:
> 663552
> *l4lx    | l4env_rd_path: drops-rd.rd
> *l4lx    | Loading: drops-rd.rd
> *l4lx    | INITRD: Size of RAMdisk is 16384KiB
> *l4lx    | RAMdisk from 04800000 to 05800000 [16384KiB]
> *l4lx    | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 0e.05 (timer.i0)
> *l4lx    | Jumping over 4x 'hlt' at 0x6df7e0
> *l4lx    | L4RM: [PF] read at 0x00000000, ip 00000000, src E.02
> *l4lx    | [E.0] l4rm/lib/src/pagefault.c:81:__unknown_pf():
> *l4lx    |  unhandled page fault
>     --PANIC, 'g' for exit------------------------------------IP:
> a00b3754
> [l4lx.rm] (e.00) jdb:
> At last lines you will see the problem, and I checked the fiasco,  it was
> ok. I found someone had similar problems but not the  same, and Adam said L4Linux
> is not allowed to do port accesses (except it is explicitely allowed).  I
> don't know what my problem is and I hope someone will give me some advice
> and thanks a lot.
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