Genode Operating System Framework

Christian Helmuth christian.helmuth at
Fri Aug 8 13:10:07 CEST 2008

The initial version of the Genode OS Framework is available for
download from

Genode is an operating-system architecture, which addresses the root
of the complexity problem, which is the lack of organization and
overly permissive security policies. By applying a strict
organizational structure to all system components including classical
operating-system services, Genode is able to dramatically reduce the
critical system complexity. The targeted application domains include
high-security computing, dependable systems, automotive applications,
and mobile devices. Even though we mainly address specialized
applications in the mid-term, we believe that the implemented
mechanisms scale well towards the needs of a general-purpose operating

The Genode OS Framework ( is the reference
implementation of the architecture and developed as an open-source
community effort coordinated by the original creators of the project.
Genode is an offspring of the L4 community. Until spring 2008, it was
conducted internally within the TU Dresden OS research group. The
foundation of Genode Labs by the original creators of Genode marks the
transition of Genode to a community project. At present, the
implementation is not complete but it is a solid starting point for a
community effort.

The initial version contains all base components, services, and device
drivers to execute a provided interactive demonstration scenario on
both Linux via libSDL and bare PC hardware via the L4/Fiasco
microkernel and our custom device drivers.

Release notes for the version 8.08

The release 8.08 is the first official version of the Genode OS
Framework. It contains the following components:

* The base framework including all libraries and interfaces as
  described in the Base API documentation
* The 32bit Linux version of the base framework, which is the recommended
  platform for testing and developing
* The 32bit L4/Fiasco version of the base framework
* Drivers
  * Frame buffer driver for VESA and libSDL
  * PS/2 keyboard and mouse driver
  * PCI driver
  * Timer driver
* Services and applications
  * Nitpicker GUI server
  * Scout tutorial browser
  * Graphical application launcher
  * XML-configurable init process
* Complete demonstration scenario with graphical test applications
  such as liquid frame buffer, testnit, and nitlog.
* Ported libraries
  * libz
  * libpng

Christian Helmuth
Genode Labs ·

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