ORe communication problems

Björn Döbel doebel at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Fri Aug 29 11:11:31 CEST 2008

Hash: SHA1


>    Thanks, I'm sorry that I didn't put enough useful information last time.
> Then I 'll explain what my question is.
>    1> The error is not often, but when I started two l4linuxes in two qemu
> instances and after the setup of ip addr, it will be there.

Can you please tell me, what exactly are you doing in order to set up
the IP addresses?

>    2> That means the qemu is out of response and I saw the error output
> through the serial port as I mentioned in my mail.
>    3> Yes, you are right, "you should be able to one machine from the other
> e.g. by using SSH.", what does this mean? Can you tell me more?

I'm trying to understand your test setup in order to repeat your steps
here. What are you doing on your host machine and in the L4Linux
instances? What kind of network communication are you doing?

>    4> Ok, I'll post all the things

Are you sure your L4Linux configuration is the right one? In the one you
sent, CONFIG_INET is turned off and when I build an L4Linux kernel with
it, I'm not able to setup any IP address.

> 2) L4Linux.cfg
> sleep 1
> task "vmlinuz" "mem=64M load_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size=16384 root=/dev/ram
> l4env_rd=drops-rd.rd
> l4ORe.instances=OReInst1:eth0,OReInst2:lo,OReInst3:eth1"
>     all_sects_writable

You can leave out the l4ore.instances kernel parameters as you don't
need this feature in your setup.

> 4) The full logout
> L4 Bootstrapper
>   move modules to 2000000 with offset 1d22000
>   move module 20 start 1225000 -> 2f47000
>   move module 19 start 11ac000 -> 2ece000
>   move module 18 start 110d000 -> 2e2f000
>   move module 17 start 110c000 -> 2e2e000
>   move module 16 start e42000 -> 2b64000
>   move module 15 start d9c000 -> 2abe000
>   move module 14 start cc0000 -> 29e2000
>   move module 13 start b37000 -> 2859000
>   move module 12 start a91000 -> 27b3000
>   move module 11 start 84c000 -> 256e000
>   move module 10 start 81d000 -> 253f000
>   move module 9 start 7d0000 -> 24f2000
>   move module 8 start 736000 -> 2458000
>   move module 7 start 6f6000 -> 2418000
>   move module 6 start 487000 -> 21a9000
>   move module 5 start 44a000 -> 216c000
>   move module 4 start 409000 -> 212b000
>   move module 3 start 36e000 -> 2090000
>   move module 2 start 337000 -> 2059000
>   move module 1 start 2de000 -> 2000000
>   Scanning /fiasco -serial_esc -comport 1
>   Scanning /sigma0
>   Scanning /roottask task modname "bmodfs" attached 5 modules
>   Bootloader MMAP:
>     [        0,     9fc00) RAM (1)
>     [    9fc00,     a0000) reserved (2)
>     [    e8000,    100000) reserved (2)
>     [   100000,   c7f0000) RAM (1)
>     [  c7f0000,   c800000) ACPI (3)
>     [ fffc0000, 100000000) reserved (2)
>   Relocated mbi to [0x61000-0x612dd]
>   Loading /fiasco
>   Loading /sigma0
>   Loading /roottask
>   find kernel info page...
>   found kernel info page at 0x1000
>     [     1000,     60fff] Kern   /fiasco
>     [    61000,     613da] Root   Multiboot info
>     [    9fc00,     9ffff] Arch   BIOS
>     [    e8000,     fffff] Arch   BIOS
>     [   100000,    10937f] Sigma0 /sigma0
>     [   110000,    2adfff] Root   /roottask
>     [   2d0000,    2dab7f] Boot   bootstrap
>     [   300000,    38fd5f] Kern   /fiasco
>     [  212b000,   3f46fff] Root   Modules Memory
>     [  c7f0000,   c7fffff] Arch   BIOS
>     [ fffc0000,  ffffffff] Arch   BIOS
>   API Version: (87) experimental
>   Sigma0 config    ip:001047b8 sp:002da740
>   Roottask config  ip:00110000 sp:00000000
>   Starting kernel /fiasco at 003008b8
> Welcome to Fiasco(ia32)!
> DD-L4(v2)/ia32 microkernel (C) 1998-2008 TU Dresden
> Rev: rUNKNOWN compiled with gcc 4.1.3 for Intel Pentium    []
> Performance-critical config option(s) detected:
>   CONFIG_NDEBUG is off
> Enabling special fully nested mode for PIC
> Using the PIT (i8254) on IRQ 0 for scheduling
> SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart
> SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart
> Not using serial hack in slow timer handler.
> Absolute KIP Syscalls using: Sysenter
> CPU: GenuineIntel (6:3:3:0) Model: Pentium II (Klamath) at 2200 MHz
>   32 KB L1 I Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
>   32 KB L1 D Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
> 2048 KB L2 U Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
> Freeing init code/data: 20480 bytes (5 pages)
> Calibrating timer loop... done.
> SIGMA0: Hello!
>   KIP @ 1000
>   Found Fiasco: KIP syscalls: yes
>   allocated 4KB for maintenance structures
> Roottask.
>   Command line found: "/roottask task modname "bmodfs" attached 5 modules "
>   204351kB ( 199MB) total RAM (reported by bootloader)
>   179644kB ( 176MB) received RAM from Sigma0
>    32484kB (  32MB) reserved RAM for RMGR
>   Received I/O ports 0000-ffff
>   Attached irqs = [ <!0> 1 <!2> 3 <!4> 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 11 ]
> Roottask: Parsing command line config.
>   configured task 0x00 (bmodfs):
>     vm_offs:0 irq:3ffff lmcp:ffff allow_cli:0 mcp:ff prio:10 small:ff mods:5
> Roottask: Loading 17 modules.
> #05: loading "/names"
>      from [0212b000-0216b0ef] to [002d0000-002d67d7][002d7000-002e2000]
>      entry at 0005c060 via trampoline page code
>      symbols at [0b7ef000-0b7f1000] (8kB), lines at [0b7e9000-0b7ef000]
> (24kB)
> #06: loading "/log"
>      from [0216c000-021a8add] to [00400000-00406fca][00407000-00439848]
>      entry at 0005d060 via trampoline page code
>      symbols at [0b7e7000-0b7e9000] (8kB), lines at [0b7e1000-0b7e7000]
> (24kB)
> #07: loading "/l4io"
>      from [021a9000-02417b56] to [00c20000-00c44a25][00c45000-00cb3000]
>      entry at 0005e060 via trampoline page code
>      symbols at [0b78b000-0b7e1000] (344kB), lines at [0b771000-0b78b000]
> (104kB)
> #08: loading "/events"
>      from [02418000-02457320] to [01540000-01548d50][01549000-0155e5b0]
>      entry at 0005f060 via trampoline page code
>      symbols at [0b76f000-0b771000] (8kB), lines at [0b768000-0b76f000]
> (28kB)
> #09: loading "/dm_phys  --isa=0x00800000 -v --events"
>      from [02458000-024f16a8] to [01500000-01513ad7][01514000-0151e000]
>      entry at 00060080 via trampoline page code
>      symbols at [0b763000-0b768000] (20kB), lines at [0b755000-0b763000]
> (56kB)
> #0a: loading "/simple_ts"
>      from [024f2000-0253e2f6] to [01400000-01408bca][01409000-01418608]
>      entry at 00062064 via trampoline page code
>      symbols at [0b753000-0b755000] (8kB), lines at [0b74b000-0b753000]
> (32kB)
> #0b: loading "/rtc"
>      from [0253f000-0256d623] to [01080000-01084660][01085000-0108a000]
>      entry at 00063060 via trampoline page code
>      symbols at [0b749000-0b74b000] (8kB), lines at [0b744000-0b749000]
> (20kB)
> #0c: loading "/ore"
>      from [0256e000-027b2749] to [01800000-01841fb2][01842000-0186f000]
>      entry at 00064060 via trampoline page code
>      symbols at [0b737000-0b744000] (52kB), lines at [0b704000-0b737000]
> (204kB)
> #0d: loading "/mini_http_uip"
>      from [027b3000-028580ae] to [01ad0000-01aea321][01aeb000-01b03000]
>      entry at 00065068 via trampoline page code
>      symbols at [0b6ff000-0b704000] (20kB), lines at [0b6eb000-0b6ff000]
> (80kB)
> #0e: loading "/con --vbemode 0x117"
>      from [02859000-029e176b] to [00b00000-00b51791][00b52000-00b72000]
>      entry at 00066070 via trampoline page code
>      symbols at [0b6de000-0b6eb000] (52kB), lines at [0b6ab000-0b6de000]
> (204kB)
> #0f: loading "/loader --fprov=BMODFS l4linux.cfg"
>      from [029e2000-02abd6f1] to [01300000-01327fb1][01328000-01347000]
>      entry at 0006707c via trampoline page code
>      symbols at [0b6a4000-0b6ab000] (28kB), lines at [0b68a000-0b6a4000]
> (104kB)
> #10: loading "/bmodfs"
>      from [02abe000-02b63d12] to [01220000-01238551][01239000-01250000]
>      passing module /vmlinuz                              [
> 02b64000-02e2d960 ]
>      passing module /l4linux.cfg                          [
> 02e2e000-02e2e0b2 ]
>      passing module /libloader.s.so                       [
> 02e2f000-02ecdcb8 ]
>      passing module /libld-l4.s.so                        [
> 02ece000-02f46cdd ]
>      passing module /drops-rd.rd                          [
> 02f47000-03f47000 ]
>      entry at 000680fc via trampoline page code
>      symbols at [0b685000-0b68a000] (20kB), lines at [0b672000-0b685000]
> (76kB)
> simplets| Configured for 64 tasks.
> rtc     | Date:27.08.2008 Time:15:32:19
> DMphys  | DMphys memory map:
> DMphys  |   phys. memory 0x00000000-0x0c7f0000 (from L4 kernel info page)
> DMphys  |   using 0x00100000-0x0c7f0000
> DMphys  |        Memory area      Pool  PS  Flags
> DMphys  |   0x00000000-0x0009f000  --   --  RESERVED
> DMphys  |   0x00100000-0x00161000  --   --  RESERVED
> DMphys  |   0x00161000-0x001aa000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x001aa000-0x002ad000   7   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x002ad000-0x002ae000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x002ae000-0x002d0000   7   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x002d0000-0x002e2000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x002e2000-0x00400000   7   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x00400000-0x0043a000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x0043a000-0x009f7000   7   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x009f7000-0x00b00000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x00b00000-0x00b72000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x00b72000-0x00c20000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x00c20000-0x00cb3000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x00cb3000-0x01080000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x01080000-0x0108a000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x0108a000-0x01220000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x01220000-0x01250000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x01250000-0x01300000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x01300000-0x01347000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x01347000-0x01400000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x01400000-0x01419000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x01419000-0x01500000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x01500000-0x0151e000  --   --  RESERVED
> DMphys  |   0x0151e000-0x01540000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x01540000-0x0155f000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x0155f000-0x01800000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x01800000-0x0186f000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x0186f000-0x01ad0000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x01ad0000-0x01b03000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x01b03000-0x01c00000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x01c00000-0x02800000   0   22  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x02800000-0x02b64000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x02b64000-0x03f47000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |   0x03f47000-0x04000000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x04000000-0x0b400000   0   22  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x0b400000-0x0b672000   0   12  MAPPED
> DMphys  |   0x0b672000-0x0c7f0000  --   --  DENIED
> DMphys  |
> DMphys  | DMphys memory pools:
> DMphys  |  pool 0 (Default memory pool):
> DMphys  |  size: 153704KB total, 153704KB free,  32KB reserved
> DMphys  |   0x009f7000-0x00b00000 (  1060KB,    1MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x00b72000-0x00c20000 (   696KB,    1MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x00cb3000-0x01080000 (  3892KB,    4MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x0108a000-0x01220000 (  1624KB,    2MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x01250000-0x01300000 (   704KB,    1MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x01347000-0x01400000 (   740KB,    1MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x01419000-0x01500000 (   924KB,    1MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x0151e000-0x01540000 (   136KB,    0MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x0155f000-0x01800000 (  2692KB,    3MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x0186f000-0x01ad0000 (  2436KB,    2MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x01b03000-0x02b64000 ( 16772KB,   16MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x03f47000-0x0b672000 (122028KB,  119MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |  pool 7 (ISA DMA memory pool):
> DMphys  |  size:   8192KB total,   8192KB free,   0KB reserved
> DMphys  |   0x001aa000-0x002ad000 (  1036KB,    1MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x002ae000-0x002d0000 (   136KB,    0MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x002e2000-0x00400000 (  1144KB,    1MB) free DS:
> DMphys  |   0x0043a000-0x009f7000 (  5876KB,    6MB) free DS:
> httpserv| l4ore_open(): called
> httpserv| l4ore_open(): descriptor: 0
> con     | Using fast memcpy.
> bmodfs  | Passed the following modules:
> bmodfs  |   module "/vmlinuz" (2855kB)
> bmodfs  |   module "/l4linux.cfg" (1kB)
> bmodfs  |   module "/libloader.s.so" (636kB)
> bmodfs  |   module "/libld-l4.s.so" (484kB)
> bmodfs  |   module "/drops-rd.rd" (16384kB)
> io      | Using platform configuration 'x86'
> io      | PCI: Using configuration type 1
> io      | PCI: Probing PCI hardware
> io      | PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00)
> loader  | sleeping for 1000 ms
> io      | PCI: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release on 00:01.0
> io      | Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers.
> io      | Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds.
> io      | 00000000-ffffffff : PCI mem
> io      |   f0000000-f1ffffff : Cirrus Logic GD 5446
> io      |   f2000000-f2000fff : Cirrus Logic GD 5446
> io      |   f2001000-f20010ff : Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
> RTL-8139/8139C/
> io      : 8139C+
> io      | 0000-ffff : PCI IO
> io      |   0cf8-0cff : PCI conf1
> io      |   b000-b03f : Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI
> io      |   b100-b11f : Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI
> io      |   c000-c00f : Intel Corporation 82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton
> II]
> io      |   c100-c1ff : Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
> RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+
> io      | Available IRQs=[ <!0> 1 <!2> 3 <!4> 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 ]
> con     | Character size is 8x14, font has 256 characters
> con     | Trying execution of ``set VBE mode'' using x86emu
> con     | Found VESA BIOS version 2.0
> con     | OEM VGABIOS Cirrus extension
> ore     | Softirq daemon starting
> ore     | Initializing DDE page cache
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | _add_ddekit_device: Detected device: 8086:7000
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | _add_ddekit_device: Detected device: 8086:7010
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | _add_ddekit_device: Detected device: 8086:7113
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | _add_ddekit_device: Detected device: 1013:b8
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | _add_ddekit_device: Detected device: 10ec:8139
> ore     | <6>e100: Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Driver, 3.5.17-k2-NAPI
> ore     | <6>e100: Copyright(c) 1999-2006 Intel Corporation
> ore     | <6>8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.28
> ore     | <6>8139too 0000:00:04.0: This (id 10ec:8139 rev 20) is an enhanced
> 81
> ore     : 39C+ chip
> ore     | <6>8139too 0000:00:04.0: Use the "8139cp" driver for improved
> perform
> ore     : ance and stability.
> ROOT: Sending ports c100-c1ff to task #07
> io      | PCI: Setting latency timer of device 00:03.0 to 64
> ore     | <7>8139too 0000:00:04.0: unknown chip version, assuming RTL-8139
> ore     | <7>8139too 0000:00:04.0: TxConfig = 0x74800000
> ore     | <6>eth0: RealTek RTL8139 at 0xa000, 52:54:00:12:34:56, IRQ 11
> ore     | <7>eth0:  Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8139'
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | unimplemented: pci_fixup_device
> ore     | l4dde26_register_rx_callback: New rx callback @ 0x018012f0.
> ore     | main(): initialized DDELinux2.6
> ore     | main(): loopback: 0
> ore     | <6>device lo entered promiscuous mode
> ore     | <6>device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
> ore     | <6>eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x05E1
> ore     | main(): Initialized 2 network devices.
> ore     | Device =   lo, IRQ =  0, MAC = 00:00:00:00:00:00
> ore     | Device = eth0, IRQ = 11, MAC = 52:54:00:12:34:56
> ore     | main(): Registering 'ORe' at names...
> ore     | main(): Ready for service.
> httpserv| ore_lookup_server(): ORe server ORe = C.02
> httpserv| ore_do_open(): called
> ore     | __init_mac(): MAC =  04:EA:43:01:96:09
> httpserv| ore_do_open(): opened. worker = C.08
> httpserv| oredev_init(): MAC =  04:EA:43:01:96:09
> httpserv| http_init(): Setting my IP address to
> httpserv| main(): HTTP server is up and accepting...
> con     | VBE mode 0x117 successfully set.
> con     | VESA reports 1024x768 at 16 2048bpl (00bb) [4096kB]
> con     | Color mapping: red=11:5 green=5:6 blue=0:5 res=0:0
> con     | No supported accelerated graphics card detected
> con     | Mapped I/O video mem  f0000000 => 00400000 [4096kB] via l4io
> con     | Using MMXEXT for colorspace transform
> con     | L4INPUT native mode activated
> con     | L4INPUT:                !!! W A R N I N G !!!
> con     | L4INPUT:  Please, do not use Fiasco's "-esc" with L4INPUT.
> con     | L4INPUT:                !!! W A R N I N G !!!
> con     | L4INPUT: Registered 0xb03d90 for callbacks.
> ROOT: Sending ports 0060-006f to task #07
> con     | Failed to disable AUX port, but continuing anyway... Is this a
> SiS?
> con     | If AUX port is really absent please use the 'i8042.noaux' option.
> con     | serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
> con     | input: AT Raw Set 2 keyboard on isa0060/serio0
> con     | input: PC Speaker
> con     | input: L4 input event injector
> con     | L4 input event injector: IRQ handler up
> con     | connect "AT Raw Set 2 keyboard", isa0060/serio0/input0
> con     | connect "PC Speaker", isa0061/input0
> con     | connect "L4 input event injector", l4/sys
> con     | Running as E.02. Video mode is 1024x768 at 16.
> loader  | vmlinuz: Starting application using libld-l4.s.so
> loader  | vmlinuz,#11: Loading binary
> loader  | vmlinuz,#11: Loading ldso
> loader  | vmlinuz,#11: Starting libld-l4.s.so at 000138b0 via 0000cf04
> l4lx    | ======> L4Linux 2.6 starting... <========
> l4lx    | Linux version 2.6.23-l4 (licy at licy) (gcc version 4.1.3 20070929
> (prer
> l4lx    : elease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)) #2 Mon Aug 25 17:42:16 CST 2008
> l4lx    | Binary name: vmlinuz
> l4lx    | Kernel command line (6 args): mem=64M load_ramdisk=1
> ramdisk_size=163
> l4lx    : 84 root=/dev/ram l4env_rd=drops-rd.rd
> l4ORe.instances=OReInst1:eth0,O
> l4lx    : ReInst2:lo,OReInst3:eth1
> l4lx    | Image: 00400000 - 0076b000 [3500 KiB].
> l4lx    | Areas: Text:     00400000 - 0067a000 [2536kB] (a bit longer)
> l4lx    |        Data:     0067a000 - 0069607c [112kB]
> l4lx    |        Initdata: 0069a000 - 006c9000 [188kB]
> l4lx    |        BSS:      006ca000 - 00768fc0 [635kB]
> l4lx    | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 11.03 (tamer0)
> l4lx    | Tamer0 is 11.03
> l4lx    | Using tamed mode.
> l4lx    | Connecting to l4io server.
> l4lx    | l4env_linux_startup thread 4.
> l4lx    | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 11.04 (cpu0)
> l4lx    | main thread will be 11.04
> l4lx    | l4env_register_pointer_section: addr = 00698000 size = 864256
> l4lx    |      sec-w-init: virt: 0x00698000 to 0x0076afff [844 KiB]
> l4lx    | Noncontiguous region for sec-w-init
> l4lx    |      sec-w-init: Number of physical regions: 2, 864256 Bytes
> l4lx    |      sec-w-init: 1: Phys: 0x01419000 to 0x01436000, Size:   118784
> l4lx    |      sec-w-init: 2: Phys: 0x0134a000 to 0x01400000, Size:   745472
> l4lx    | main thread: received startup message.
> l4lx    | Main thread running, waiting...
> l4lx    | setup_l4env_memory: Forcing superpages for main memory
> l4lx    | Main memory size: 64MB
> l4lx    | Got 2048kB of ISA DMA memory.
> l4lx    |  ISA DMA memory: virt: 0x00800000 to 0x009fffff [2048 KiB]
> l4lx    |  ISA DMA memory: Number of physical regions: 1, 2097152 Bytes
> l4lx    |  ISA DMA memory: 1: Phys: 0x0043a000 to 0x0063a000, Size:  2097152
> l4lx    |     Main memory: virt: 0x00c00000 to 0x04bfffff [65536 KiB]
> l4lx    |     Main memory: Number of physical regions: 1, 67108864 Bytes
> l4lx    |     Main memory: 1: Phys: 0x04000000 to 0x08000000, Size: 67108864
> l4lx    | Filling lower ptabs...
> l4lx    | Done (1649 entries).
> l4lx    | l4env_register_pointer_section: addr = 00698000 size = 864256
> l4lx    |             end: virt: 0x00698000 to 0x0076afff [844 KiB]
> l4lx    | Noncontiguous region for end
> l4lx    |             end: Number of physical regions: 2, 864256 Bytes
> l4lx    |             end: 1: Phys: 0x01419000 to 0x01436000, Size:   118784
> l4lx    |             end: 2: Phys: 0x0134a000 to 0x01400000, Size:   745472
> l4lx    | l4env_rd_path: drops-rd.rd
> l4lx    | Loading: drops-rd.rd
> l4lx    | INITRD: Size of RAMdisk is 16384KiB
> l4lx    | RAMdisk from 04c00000 to 05c00000 [16384KiB]
> l4lx    | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 11.05 (timer.i0)
> l4lx    | Jumping over 4x 'hlt' at 0x6a37e0
> l4lx    | idler0: utcb=0xbff00400 11.04
> l4lx    | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 11.06 (idler0)
> l4lx    | Starting L4FB via CON
> con     | vc_loop(): vc[1] running as E.07
> l4lx    | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 11.07 (L4ConInput)
> con     | vc[1] 1024x768 at 16, bpl:2048, gmode:0x35, evprt:11.07 save:0
> l4lx    | l4fb:con: 1024x750 at 16 2bypp, size: 1540096
> l4lx    | l4fb:con 5:6:5 11:5:0 linelen=2048 visual=2
> con     | Mapped client FB to 00800000 size 00178000
> l4lx    | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 11.08 (CON refresher)
> l4lx    | Creating 1 ORe device(s).
> l4lx    | Opening device eth0 at ORe instance ORe
> l4lx    | l4ore_open(): called
> l4lx    | l4ore_open(): descriptor: 0
> l4lx    | ore_lookup_server(): ORe server ORe = C.02
> l4lx    | ore_do_open(): called
> ore     | __init_mac(): Allocating physical MAC address to client.
> ore     | __init_mac(): MAC =  52:54:00:12:34:56
> l4lx    | ore_do_open(): opened. worker = C.09
> l4lx    | l4lx_irq_dev_startup_hw: Starting IRQ thread for IRQ 15.
> l4lx    | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 11.09 (IRQ15)
> l4lx    | l4x_ore_irq_startup
> l4lx    | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 11.0a (L4OreRcv)
> l4lx    | l4x_ore_irq_startup
> l4lx    | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 11.0a (L4OreRcv)

The output looks good so far.

> Another question is you know there several binaries in disk/ which are in
> relation with ore, as ore_test, ore_send and something like that, but I
> don't know how to start them, I can't get more info from README,  can you
> give some advice, please?

You can safely ignore the ore_test, ore_send and mini_http_uip examples
for your setup.

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