DDEkit for Linux2.6 from svn

Shakthi Kannan shakthimaan at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 06:28:29 CEST 2008


--- On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:45 PM, Adam Lackorzynski
<adam at os.inf.tu-dresden.de> wrote:
| Now, what happens when taking the main (or fiasco) image?

Same overlapping message:

=== OUTPUT ===

L4 Bootstrapper
  Scanning /fiasco -serial_esc -comspeed 115200 -comport 1 -nokdb -jdb_cmd=JH
  loaded module section: [ 300000,  3018ab] /fiasco -serial_esc
-comspeed 115200 -comport 1 -nokdb -jdb_cmd=JH
  overlaps with: [ 2de000, ab6a1d] Root Modules Memory
  [ 9fc00, 9ffff] Arch BIOS
  [ e8000, fffff] Arch BIOS
  [ 2d0000, 2dae9f] Root bootstrap
  [ 2de000, ab6a1d] Root Modules Memory
  [ c7f0000, c7fffff] Arch BIOS
  [ fffc0000, ffffffff] Arch BIOS
region overlap

=== END ===

Is it possible for you to make a cd-image.iso available, that I can
test with just to make sure qemu and my bridge tun/tap setup is fine
with ORe?

My svn revision number on tudos/ directory is 404.



Shakthi Kannan

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