Problem of running L4Linux

Adam Chang windbread at
Sun Dec 28 19:32:58 CET 2008

Dear all:
   After I set "Handle and preserve segments" , It still has some problem there:
The following is my error message:

l4lx   | ======> L4Linux 2.6 starting... <========
l4lx   | Linux version 2.6.27-l4-svn131 (bread at Bread) (
l4lx   | Linux version 2.6.27-l4-svn131 (bread at Bread) (gcc version 4.3.2 20081
l4lx   : 105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7) (GCC) ) #1 Sat Dec 13 14:15:36 CST 2008
l4lx   | Binary name: vmlinuz
l4lx   | Linux kernel command line (5 args): mem=64M load_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size
l4lx   : =16384 root=/dev/ram0 l4env_rd=drops.rd
l4lx   | Image: 00400000 - 007cf000 [3900 KiB].
l4lx   | Areas: Text:	   00400000 - 006dc000 [2928kB] (a bit longer)
l4lx   | 	Data:	   006dc000 - 006fd698 [133kB]
l4lx   |	Initdata:  00700000 - 0073e000 [248kB]
l4lx   |	BSS:	   00740000 - 007cefd0 [571kB]
l4lx   | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 0d.03 (tamer0)
l4lx   | Tamer0 is 0d.03
l4lx   | Using tamed mode.
ROOT: Task #0c is not allowed to execute cli/sti
loader | vmlinuz,#d: WARNING: Can't map I/O space, ROOT denies page
loader | (result=00004000)
loader | vmlinuz,#d: Not allowed to perform any I/O
l4lx   | Got 0 out of 65536 I/O ports
l4lx   | Connecting to l4io server.
l4lx   | l4env_linux_startup thread 4.
l4lx   | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 0d.04 (cpu0)
l4lx   | main thread will be 0d.04
l4lx   | l4env_register_pointer_section: addr=006dc000 size = 405504
l4lx   |      sec-w-init: virt: 0x006dc000 to 0x0073efff [396 KiB]	
l4lx   |      sec-w-init: Number of physical regions: 1, 405504 Bytes
l4lx   |      sec-w-init: 1: Phys: 0x0139c000 to 0x013ff000, Size:   405504
l4lx   | main thread: received startup message.
l4lx   | memory_setup: mem=64M load_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size=16384 root=/dev/ram
l4lx   |  l4env_rd=drops.rd
l4lx   | setup_l4env_memory: Forcing superpages for main memory
l4lx   | Main thread running, waiting...
l4lx   | Main memory size: 64MB
l4lx   | Got 2048kB of ISA DMA memory
l4lx   |  ISA DMA memory: virt: 0x00800000 to 0x009fffff [2048KiB]
l4lx   |  ISA DMA memory: Number of physical regions: 1, 2097152 Bytes
l4lx   |  ISA DMA memory: 1: Phys: 0x0043a000 to 0x0063a000, Size: 2097152
l4lx   |     Main memory: virt: 0x00c00000 to 0x04bffff [65536KiB]
l4lx   |     Main memory: Number of physical regions: 1, 67108864 Bytes
l4lx   |     Main memory: 1: Phys: 0x19400000 to 0x1d400000, Size: 67108864
l4lx   | Filling lower ptabs...
l4lx   | mainmem = c00000
l4lx   | Done (1517 entries)
l4lx   | l4env_register_pointer_section: addr = 00740000 size = 585728
l4lx   |	     end: virt: 0x00740000 to 0x007cefff [572 KiB]
l4lx   |	     end: Number of physical regions: 1, 585728 Bytes
l4lx   |	     end: 1: Phys: 0x00a47000 to 0x00ad6000, Size: 585728
l4lx   | memory_setup done
l4lx   | l4env_rd_path: drops.rd
l4lx   | Loading: drops.rd
l4lx   | INITRD: Size of RAMdisk is 16384KiB
l4lx   | RAMdisk from 04c00000 to 05c00000 [16384KiB]
l4lx   | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 0d.05 (timer.i0)
l4lx   | Jumping over 4x 'hit' at 0x70970f
l4lx   | panic: going to sleep forever, bye

It looks like to be kernel panic,
I don't know how to solve it.Can someone give me advice how to solve
this problem?
Best Regards.
Adam Chang

On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 4:23 PM, Valery V. Sedletski <_valerius at> wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Dec 2008 17:28:12 +0800, Adam Chang wrote:
>>Dear all:
>>    I still have some problem on running L4Linux.
>>    I have succeeded install your version of GRUB in my VMware virtual
>>disk. And the following is my menu.lst
>>When I boot the virtual machine, first the machine start fiasco,
>>sigma0 , roottask
>>roottask loaded 13 modules $B!$ (Band finally I see these message while I
>>failed running L4Linux
>>loader | vmlinuz: Starting application using
>>loader | vmlinuz,#d: Loading binary
>>loader | vmlinuz,#d: Loading ldso
>>loader | vmlinuz,#d: Starting at 000138e0 via 0000cf40
>>l4lx   | ======> L4Linux 2.6 starting... <========
>>l4lx   | Linux version 2.6.27-l4-svn131 (bread at Bread) (
>>l4lx   | Linux version 2.6.27-l4-svn131 (bread at Bread) (gcc version 4.3.2 20081
>>l4lx   : 105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7) (GCC) ) #1 Sat Dec 13 14:15:36 CST 2008
>>l4lx   | Binary name: vmlinuz
>>l4lx   | Linux kernel command line (5 args): mem=64M load_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size
>>l4lx   : =16384 root=/dev/ram0 l4env_rd=drops.rd
>>l4lx   | The running microkernel does not have the
>>l4lx   |       segments
>>l4lx   | feature enabled!
>>    --Microkernel feature missing!---------------------------IP: 00636869
>>[l4lx.main] (d.02) jdb:
>>And I jumped to the jdb console.
> Try compiling Fiasco microkernel with configuration option set: "Handle and preserve segments". This option
> is needed at least for L4Linux. It is needed for manipulating segment registers on IA32 architecture.
> WBR,
> valery

Adam Hung-Hsiang Chang
windbread at
Wireless Networking and Embedded Systems Lab
Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia
National Taiwan University

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