FW: libgendep, compiling problems

Protasio Ramirez, Joan joan.protasio-ramirez at hp.com
Tue Jan 13 17:07:57 CET 2009

From: Protasio Ramirez, Joan

Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 5:04 PM

To: 'hanwen at cs.uu.nl'; 'jork.loeser at inf.tu-dresden.de'

Subject: libgendep, compiling problems

Hi all,

My name’s joan. I’m making an application which works with libgendep.  
I have tried once before with the library and I didn’t have problems.  
Unfortunately, this time I’m having problems with it. I have compiled  
the library (modifying some parameters in Makefile) but when I make a  
proof the shell shows me the message:

ERROR: ld.so :object liobgendep.so from LD_PRELOAD cannot be  
preloaded : ignored

Any help will be welcomed,

Thank you very much


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