log output in fiaso-ux

Andre Puschmann andre.puschmann at stud.tu-ilmenau.de
Wed Feb 11 19:36:11 CET 2009

Hi everybody,

I am quite new to L4 but currently writing some sort of demo/learning
applications to get a deeper understanding.
I am using fiasco-ux which is very useful as it allows really short
"compile-and-try" cycles :-)
I want to use the log pkg which works quite good when compiling
applications with "MODE=sigma0" or "MODE=tiny" set inside the according
Makefile. However, when using "MODE=l4env" (which is the default
according to the bid manual and is also used in some examples) the log
server somehow eats the printf's.
Is there any way to get them back to the console? Or is this not even
desired in that mode?
I am currently loading the following additional libs: "names dm_phys
l4io log l4env_pr".

Best regards,


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