Fiasco / L4Re compilation issues

Thomas M. DuBuisson thomas.dubuisson at
Mon Nov 1 19:24:14 CET 2010

Christian said:
> Seems Fedora builds GCC with stack protection enabled. For this
> reason (and some others), we switched to our custom build GCC with
> Genode.
Ah, I see, thanks for the info.  I might switch this dev box to Debian -
this isn't the only developer-unfriendly issue I've ran into due to
Fedoras design choices and/or packages.

Adam said:
> I'm mainly using the codesourcery ones nowadays (4.4).

This seems to work well (built L4Re and Fiasco without a hitch).  I'll
be booting my ARM system and giving it a go, thanks!


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