App on L4Re

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Fri Nov 30 00:15:02 CET 2012

On Thu Nov 29, 2012 at 20:27:09 +0800, OSDepend wrote:
> > Yes, that's the current workflow. Usually we use for example Qemu to
> > launch and run systems on our laptops. Physical systems are usually
> > booted via network.
> > Indeed, there's no ready-to-use solution for that.
> Thank you for your answers, it was very helpful. Now I have some more
> questions:
> I wanna to port some app on L4Re, like bash, sphinx. The only thing I
> can use is the C/C++ library you provide, so it seems like that i need
> to rebuild every library and dll for the current apps. Do you have
> some advices or guidlines for me? 

I do not understand what you mean with rebuilding every library for an
application. Do you mean those available on L4Re already or new ones?

> > Hi Chen,
> > I guess you want to compare the performance of L4Linux with non-L4Linux. It could be a little faster! But you have to > > write an OS layer and maintain it if any changes from your upper java framework.
> > josh zhao
> Yes, I think the L4Linux may reduce the performance. If I write an OS
> layer for my ported application, the layer may also interfer the
> performance of pure Microkernel. That's why I want build/port my
> application directly on L4Re!

Actually it's an quite easy choice. L4Linux is an OS layer but not your
choice for your target application. So you need a different one that
better fits your target application, such as scalability. That can maybe
be L4Re, maybe it's L4Re + some additions, maybe something different.
Possibilities exist.

Adam                 adam at

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