L4Re: FATAL: Exception Operation not permitted: ''"

Maximin Coste maximin.cl at gmail.com
Wed May 29 11:07:11 CEST 2013


I'm running an edited and "old" (September 2012) version of L4Linux &
uC-OS/II in top of Fiasco+L4RE (updated here). When launching the
image I have generated, I have the following error:

MOE: cmdline: moe rom/l4lx_ucos.cfg
MOE: Starting: rom/ned rom/l4lx_ucos.cfg
MOE: loading 'rom/ned'
Ned says: Hi World!
Ned: loading file: 'rom/l4lx_ucos.cfg'
Ucos    | L4Re: FATAL: Exception Operation not permitted: ''
Ucos    | Exception: Operation not permitted: : backtrace ...
l4linux | L4Re: FATAL: Exception Operation not permitted: ''
l4linux | Exception: Operation not permitted: : backtrace ...
io      | Dev_factory: register factory for N2Hw6DeviceE
io      | GTF: register factory for 7Pci_dev
io      | GTF: register factory for N2Hw12Msi_resourceE
io      | Dev_factory: register factory for N2Hw11Gpio_deviceE
io      | Io service
io      | Ready. Waiting for request.

Can I see more about what's going wrong ? Can I see the backtrace
those logs talks about ? :)


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