All *.cpp files are ignored by Makefile

BogDan bog_dan_ro at
Sun Jun 2 10:26:41 CEST 2013


I tried to add a few .cpp files to Makefile but it seems that L4Re build systems ignores this extension.

This is the content of the Makefile:
PKGDIR ?= ../..
L4DIR ?= $(PKGDIR)/../..

TARGET = test_cpp
SRC_CC = main.cpp class1.cpp class2.cpp

REQUIRES_LIBS = libstdc++

include $(L4DIR)/mk/

I tried to replace SRC_CC with SRC_CXX or SRC_CPP but with no luck ...

This bug prevents the port of most of C++ libs out there to L4Re.

BTW, is there any chance to use other build-systems (cmake, qbs, premake, SCons, etc.) to build L4Re libs/apps ?


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