Booting on Raspberry Pi

Robert Kaiser robert.kaiser at
Fri Sep 6 19:42:12 CEST 2013


i'm currently trying to get Fiasco.OC + L4Re up and running on a
Raspberry Pi, but no luck :-(

I have gotten as far as building a bootstrap_hello.elf file. According
to previous posts here,  I should just copy this file to the first
partition of a linux-bootable SD card, add an entry like
"kernel=bootstrap_hello.elf" to config.txt, and I should see some
messages at the serial port as the Pi boots L4. Alas, my Pi stays silent.

If I then simply remove the added line from config.txt, leaving
everything else the same, Linux boots from the card alright and I can
see its messages on the serial port. Thus, I'm confident that my
hardware set-up should be OK.

I am not absolutely sure wether I got the building of the boot file
right. What surprises me is that it is an ELF file: I have previously
followed the "Baking Pi" tutorial  at There I used
to boot *raw* binaries which expected to be loaded at 0x8000. In
contrast, this file here displays as an ELF file with .text starting at 
0x01000000. Is that how it should be?

The building process also creates a file named "bootstrap_hello", but
that is simply a copy of bootstrap_hello.elf. What's the point of this?

Thanks a lot for any help

Robert Kaiser

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