Aw: Re: l4linux starting - How can I see all Debug messages on serial line ?

Rudolf Weber rwib at
Fri Jul 26 14:55:13 CEST 2013

thank you for the good tip with 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013 um 23:50 Uhr
Von: "Adam Lackorzynski" <adam at>
An: "Rudolf Weber" <rwib at>
Cc: "l4 l4hackerlist" <l4-hackers at>
Betreff: Re: l4linux starting - How can I see all Debug messages on serial line ?
>> Question1: How can I see the error messages of L4linux on serial lines?
>Add console=ttyLv0 to the L4Linux argument list.
So I can see the output on all configurations.

The state is now:
1) Linux-conf  x86-ux_defconfig without mag : runs
2) Linux-conf  x86-ux_defconfig with mag    : runs
3) Linux-conf  x86_rw_config  without mag   : runs
4) Linux-conf  x86_rw-config  with mag      : error

My x86_rw-config is in the Attachment.
The error is:

attempt to access beyond end of device
ram0: rw=0, want=4764729332, limit=8000
Buffer I/O error on device ram0, logical block 2382364665
attempt to access beyond end of device
ram0: rw=0, want=4606413050, limit=8000
Buffer I/O error on device ram0, logical block 2303206524

Attachement log_ioerror ist the whole output.

Why this IO-Error ?
Does something overwrites the ramdisk ? Or is the ramdisk shortened ?

I give in qemu 1024M and Linux in the cmdline 128M,but the phenomenon is still there.

Thank you very much

   Rudolf Weber

The configuration is:
modaddr 0x02000000

default-kernel fiasco -serial_esc
default-bootstrap bootstrap

entry L4Linux-mag-x86
roottask moe rom/l4lx-gfx.cfg
module l4re
module ned
module l4lx-gfx.cfg
module io
module fb-drv
module mag
module x86-legacy.devs
module vmlinuz
module ramdisk-x86.rd

-- Start io

vbus_l4linux = loader:new_channel();
vbus_input   = loader:new_channel();
vbus_fbdrv   = loader:new_channel();

    caps = {
      sigma0  = L4.cast(L4.Proto.Factory, L4.Env.sigma0):create(L4.Proto.Sigma0);
      icu     =;
      input   = vbus_input:svr();
      l4linux = vbus_l4linux:svr();
      fbdrv   = vbus_fbdrv:svr();
  }, "rom/io rom/x86-legacy.devs rom/");

-- Start fb-drv (but only if we need to)
local fb = L4.Env.vesa;
if (not fb) then
  fb = loader:new_channel();
  loader:start({ caps = { fb = fb:svr(), vbus = vbus_fbdrv }},
               "rom/fb-drv -m 0x117");

local mag_mag = loader:new_channel();
local mag_svc = loader:new_channel();
-- Start mag
    caps = {
      vbus = vbus_input;
      mag  = mag_mag:svr();
      svc  = mag_svc:svr();
      fb   = fb;
  }, "rom/mag");
-- Start Linux
  { caps = {
      log = L4.Env.log:m("rws"),
      fb  = mag_svc:create(L4.Proto.Goos, "g=640x480");
      vbus = vbus_l4linux;
    l4re_dbg = L4.Dbg.Warn,
    log = { "l4linux", "yellow" },
  "rom/vmlinuz mem=64M console=ttyLv0 l4x_rd=rom/ramdisk-x86.rd root=1:0 ramdisk_size=4000 init=/bin/sh");

the other files are from l4re-snapshot-2013060718

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