Getting fiasco-ux to exit after moe's init process terminates

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Sat Jul 27 23:47:37 CEST 2013


On Thu Jul 25, 2013 at 22:34:17 -0700, John Millikin wrote:
> I'm just getting started with L4 and Fiasco, and wanted to try a Hello
> World. The goal is to have a program which will run in fiasco-ux, print
> some text to the screen, and then exit back to the terminal.
>     $ cat helloworld.c
>     #include <stdio.h>
>     int main(int argc, char **argv) {
>             printf("Hello world from L4!\n");
>             return 1;
>     }
> I'm encountering a problem where after the program runs, moe detects that
> it's terminated but doesn't itself exit.
>     $ ./fiasco -R './moe --init=rom/helloworld' -l ./l4re -l ./helloworld
>     [...]
>     MOE: cmdline: ./moe --init=rom/helloworld
>     MOE: Starting: rom/helloworld
>     MOE: loading 'rom/helloworld'
>     Hello world from L4!
>     MOE: task 1557475 exited with 1
> Looking through src/l4/pkg/moe/server/src, I can't find any obvious way to
> make moe exit when its init process terminates. Being able to exit seems
> like fairly important functionality, so I assume it's present somewhere,
> but I can't figure out how to enable it. moe has no flags related to
> exiting, and its main() appears to end in the infinite-loop
> server.loop_noexc() procedure.
> Is exiting supported? If yes, how do I enable it? If no, why, and would
> patches be accepted to do this?

moe is not supposed to exit. To make a comparison to a Unix system, it's
like init should exit. To exit Fiasco-UX, hit Ctrl-C to get to jdb, then
'^' and Fiasco-UX will exit.

Adam                 adam at

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