Aw: Re: l4linux with ide-harddisk

Rudolf Weber rwib at
Wed Aug 14 00:32:03 CEST 2013

After a virtualbox-trouble and a reconfiguration of the virtualbox-Maschine my l4re/mag/l4linux-systemboots now.

It boots with and without -vvv Debuging-Options in he IO.

Thank you for your information with the PCI/IDE-relation.

The default l4linux-ux -Konfiguration is without CONFIG_PCI/CONFIG_VPCI.

Is the IDE-Driver working without the PCI ? (Or does the ux-Configration not supporting an physical harddisk ?) 

Another Question:
 In 2002-2004 l4env has an IDL-Compiler Dice.

Now I read,that the L4-Api V4 is not machine dependend.
In the C++-Example, the is an special stream to unmashall the opcode and the parameters.
This code looks like the code the ACE/TAO (CORBA)-IDL Compiler generates.

What are the reasons (L4-Api V4 is one) to retire IDL-Compilers ?


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