NOVA, NUL, snapshotting

Sartakov A. Vasily sartakov at
Mon Oct 14 12:45:22 CEST 2013

Hi there. 

I want to start NOVA/NUL without vga in qemu. 
I've added -novga, have removed vga:0x03c0 (and kbc, keyb) in PC_PS2 alias
I use hostserial in sigma0.nul config string
and bzImage-js has "console=ttyS0" and "console=tty" 
I do not have a Linux login message after booting if Linux, but I have all messages related to boot. 
What I might forget? Should I add another one hostserial? maybe I should something configure in QEMU? 

I have tried with "-serial telnet:<..> -monitor telnet:<..>" and  get no success.

02.10.2013, в 21:20, Sartakov A. Vasily <sartakov at> написал(а):

>>>> Is that enough? What should I do with mappings (NPT in particular
>>>> caused me questions), devices?
>>> ... you need to save and restore device state. Jacek Galowicz has
>>> implemented this already. For a short overview of what he did check:
>> I understand that issue. But I do not understand how multiboot/vbios part works. Can you explain me what happens from 
>> handle_cpu_init ( to main function (or __start ) of munich. I.e. in range from message "reset CPU state" and first console message of Munich. 
>> I do not need full detailed description, just main idea. 
>> I stuck on very early stage of VM booting. I see intensive messaging of VBios, Lapic, RTC, Serial, I have got several traps (I count svm_invalid trap), but I seriously do not see the reason, the code that trigger traps. 
> I'm wrong. 
> nvm
>>> I understand the VMM-specific code will be published at some point.
>>>> What is the cpu state in receive function of vbios_multiboot? Is it
>>>> a beginning state of VM, when the Munech is uploaded?
>>> This function is called whenever some code issues int 19h to (re)start
>>> the BIOS boot procedure. Initially this is called by the vBIOS itself.
>>> I am not sure what you mean with your second question.
> -- 
> Sartakov A. Vasily
> sartakov at

Sartakov A. Vasily
sartakov at

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