[ASK] Unable to boot L4 + Fiasco using u-boot in pandaboard

Erry Pradana Darajati pradana.erry at gmail.com
Thu Jan 16 12:14:26 CET 2014

After searching in the net, i found the way to make u-boot and how to
install it. But i encounter some problem
After copy u-boot.img, MLO, and boot.scr in the first partition of my
SDCard. The site said that it the u-boot should be booting my uimage. But
in reality my Pandaboard is not responding (as if there are no SDCard
I follow the instructions from elinux.org (
http://elinux.org/Panda_How_to_MLO_%26_u-boot) and other source that give
same instructions like elinux.org
Can you tell me what i'm doing wrong ?
Thank you for the answer, I am really appreciate any help and answer

*Erry Pradana Darajati | Student of Computer Engineering*
*Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya / EEPIS, Indonesia*
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