Problem with given root-x86-gingerbread.img

Viswa Sekar viswasekarsubramanian at
Thu Jan 16 14:21:43 CET 2014

Hello Sir,

Will post the .rc file.

But i have a question ,is this error caused by the root image downloaded
from l4android website (prebuilt images given by you)  ?

Because the root x86 image that i extracted from your x86 DEMO image (ISO')
from l4android website worked properly with my l4re, fiasco and l4android
build , the given example configs , as well as the android system x86 image
(revision 40 - l4re and fiasco , version 3.5 - l4android )

Kindly post your suggestion.

On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 8:35 PM, Matthias Lange <
matthias.lange at> wrote:

> Hi,
> Android couldn't mount the system partition and thus was unable to boot
> further. Could you please post what the content of the init.rc in the "on
> fs" section is. Are there other init.[*].rc files?
> Best,
> Matthias.
> On 13.01.2014, at 15:42, Viswa Sekar <viswasekarsubramanian at>
> wrote:
> Now that L4 android boots but it stands up in Black screen saying ANDROID_
> and then after some time it turns into a complete black screen.
> This is what i did
> 1. l4 re and fiasco are to be used only with revision 40. (it doesnt work
> for other revisions)
> 2. Downloaded l4android snapshot version 3.5
> 3. Compiled everything for x86 architecture as per instructions given in
> the respective websites.
> 4. For l4 android compilation, building, i used the pre built images given
> in the website, and did a manual build for ISO image
> got the iso, files built successfully.
> Now in the final step:
> when i tried booting the l4android over l4re, i get a black screen.
> booting and saying ANDROID_.
> Later then I downloaded the DEMO image for l4android given in the website.
> I mounted into my PC and opened the ISO folder.
> After trial and error method of replacing the vmlinuz, and image files
> like system, root,
> I found that replacing the root-x86-gingerbread.img from the ISO to the
> one that is given in the l4andoid website (pre built images) makes the
> system boot, and android successfully boots.
> (i.e) i copied root-x86_gingerbread.img from DEMO image`s folder to my
> project directory and used instead of the one specified in website ( it
> boots only for changing the root not system-x86.img)
> Can you please explain me what is the problem, that has occurred?
> is it that the root-x86_gingerbread.img file given in the website
> outdated? or kindly give your suggestion.
> The below is the output that i got when i used root-x86_gingerbread.img ->
> downloaded from the l4android website.  Why does it stand in Black screen
> though it is booted?
> viswa at atmvs17:~/Documents/final/l4/mybuild$ qemu-system-i386 -cdrom
> /home/viswa/Documents/final/l4/mybuild/images/l4_gingerbread-x86.iso
> -serial stdio -m 512 -boot d
> L4 Bootstrapper
>   Build: #1 Mon Jan 13 11:21:39 CET 2014, x86-32, 4.6.1
>   RAM: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009f3ff: 637kB
>   RAM: 0000000000100000 - 000000001fffcfff: 523252kB
>   Total RAM: 511MB
>   Moving modules behind 1100000
>   moving module 00 { 138000-1a25ff } -> { 839e000-84085ff } [435712]
>   moving module 01 { 1a3000-1f7784 } -> { 8409000-845d784 } [345989]
>   moving module 02 { 2e4000-5176aa } -> { 845e000-86916aa } [2307755]
>   moving module 03 { 518000-639390 } -> { 73d6000-74f7390 } [1184657]
>   moving module 04 { 63a000-86e2e9 } -> { 74f8000-772c2e9 } [2310890]
>   moving module 05 { 86f000-1276b7c } -> { 772d000-8134b7c } [10517373]
>   moving module 09 { 2b4000-2b47a3 } -> { 1100000-11007a3 } [1956]
>   moving module 10 { 2a9000-2a93b6 } -> { 1101000-11013b6 } [951]
>   moving module 11 { 2cf000-2cf617 } -> { 1102000-1102617 } [1560]
>   moving module 06 { 1277000-137c6cf } -> { 1103000-12086cf } [1070800]
>   moving module 07 { 137d000-176ec36 } -> { 1209000-15fac36 } [4135991]
>   moving module 08 { 176f000-18e6b80 } -> { 15fb000-1772b80 } [1538945]
>   moving module 12 { 18e7000-1c6183b } -> { 1773000-1aed83b } [3647548]
>   moving module 13 { 1c62000-1d61fff } -> { 1aee000-1bedfff } [1048576]
>   moving module 14 { 1d62000-73d5fff } -> { 1bee000-7261fff } [90652672]
>   moving module 03 { 73d6000-74f7390 } -> { 7262000-7383390 } [1184657]
>   moving module 04 { 74f8000-772c2e9 } -> { 7384000-75b82e9 } [2310890]
>   moving module 05 { 772d000-8134b7c } -> { 75b9000-7fc0b7c } [10517373]
>   Scanning fiasco -serial_esc
>   Scanning sigma0
>   Scanning moe rom/l4_gingerbread-x86.cfg
>   Bootloader MMAP:
>     [        0,     9f400) RAM (1)
>     [    9f400,     a0000) reserved (2)
>     [    f0000,    100000) reserved (2)
>     [   100000,  1fffd000) RAM (1)
>     [ 1fffd000,  20000000) reserved (2)
>     [ feffc000,  ff000000) reserved (2)
>     [ fffc0000, 100000000) reserved (2)
>   Relocated mbi to [0x2df000-0x2df511]
>   Loading fiasco
>   Loading sigma0
>   Loading moe
>   find kernel info page...
>   found kernel info page at 0x400000
> Regions of list 'regions'
>     [        0,       fff] {     1000} Arch   BIOS
>     [    9f400,     9ffff] {      c00} Arch   BIOS
>     [    f0000,     fffff] {    10000} Arch   BIOS
>     [   100000,    10b197] {     b198} Sigma0 sigma0
>     [   140000,    18d25f] {    4d260} Root   moe
>     [   2d0000,    2e3427] {    13428} Boot   bootstrap
>     [   2df000,    2df60e] {      60f} Root   Multiboot info
>     [   300000,    38ffff] {    90000} Kern   fiasco
>     [   400000,    46ffff] {    70000} Kern   fiasco
>     [  1100000,   7fc0b7c] {  6ec0b7d} Root   Module
>     [ 1fffd000,  1fffffff] {     3000} Arch   BIOS
>     [ feffc000,  feffffff] {     4000} Arch   BIOS
>     [ fffc0000,  ffffffff] {    40000} Arch   BIOS
>   API Version: (87) experimental
>   Sigma0 config    ip:001001dc sp:002de070
>   Roottask config  ip:001401c4 sp:00000000
>   Starting kernel fiasco at 00300888
> Welcome to Fiasco.OC (ia32)!
> L4/Fiasco.OC ia32 microkernel (C) 1998-2012 TU Dresden
> Rev: r40 compiled with gcc 4.6.1 for Intel Pentium Pro    []
> Build: #1 Mon Jan 13 11:04:27 CET 2014
> Performance-critical config option(s) detected:
>   CONFIG_NDEBUG is off
> Superpages: yes
> Kmem:: cpu page at 1fff8000 (4096Bytes)
> ACPI-Init
> ACPI: RSDP[0xfdab0]    r00 OEM:BOCHS.
> IO-APIC: MADT = 0x203fd720
> IO-APIC[ 0]: struct: 0x203fd754 adr=fec00000
> Boot_alloc: size=0x1c
> Boot_alloc: allocated extra memory block @0xfeffb000 (size=400)
> Boot_alloc: @ 0xfeffb000
> Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfeffb020 (size=3e0)
> Boot_alloc: size=0x120
> Boot_alloc: @ 0xfeffb020
> Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfeffb140 (size=2c0)
> IO-APIC[ 0]: pins 24
>   PIN[ 0m]: vector=20, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[ 1m]: vector=21, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[ 2m]: vector=22, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[ 3m]: vector=23, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[ 4m]: vector=24, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[ 5m]: vector=25, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[ 6m]: vector=26, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[ 7m]: vector=27, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[ 8m]: vector=28, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[ 9m]: vector=29, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[10m]: vector=2a, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[11m]: vector=2b, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[12m]: vector=2c, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[13m]: vector=2d, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[14m]: vector=2e, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[15m]: vector=2f, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[16m]: vector=30, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[17m]: vector=31, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[18m]: vector=32, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[19m]: vector=33, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[20m]: vector=34, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[21m]: vector=35, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[22m]: vector=36, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
>   PIN[23m]: vector=37, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge)
> IO-APIC: dual 8259: yes
> IO-APIC: ovr[ 0] 00 -> 2
> IO-APIC: ovr[ 1] 05 -> 5
> IO-APIC: ovr[ 2] 09 -> 9
> IO-APIC: ovr[ 3] 0a -> a
> IO-APIC: ovr[ 4] 0b -> b
> Boot_alloc: size=0x4
> Boot_alloc: @ 0xfeffb140
> Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfeffb148 (size=2b8)
> Allocate cpu_mem @ 0xfeffb400
> Local APIC[00]: version=14 max_lvt=5
> APIC ESR value before/after enabling: 00000000/00000000
> Using the Local APIC timer on vector 90 (Periodic Mode) for scheduling
> SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart
> SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart
> Not using serial hack in slow timer handler.
> Boot_alloc: size=0x14
> Boot_alloc: @ 0xfeffb148
> Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfeffb160 (size=2a0)
> Boot_alloc: size=0x300
> Boot_alloc: allocated extra memory block @0xfeffb800 (size=400)
> Boot_alloc: @ 0xfeffb800
> Boot_alloc: remaining free block @ 0xfeffbb00 (size=100)
> Enable MSI support: chained IRQ mgr @ 0xfeffb140
> Absolute KIP Syscalls using: Sysenter
> CPU[0:0]: GenuineIntel (6:3:3:0)[00000633] Model: QEMU Virtual CPU version
> 0.14.1 at 2394 MHz
>   32 KB L1 I Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
>   32 KB L1 D Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
> 2048 KB L2 U Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
> Freeing init code/data: 28672 bytes (7 pages)
> Calibrating timer loop... done.
> SIGMA0: Hello!
>   KIP @ 400000
>   Found Fiasco: KIP syscalls: yes
>   allocated 4KB for maintenance structures
> SIGMA0: Dump of all resource maps
> RAM:------------------------
> [0:1000;9efff]
> [0:10c000;13ffff]
> [4:140000;18dfff]
> [0:18e000;2defff]
> [4:2df000;2dffff]
> [0:2e0000;3fffff]
> [0:469000;10fffff]
> [4:1100000;7fc0fff]
> [0:7fc1000;1d70efff]
> IOMEM:----------------------
> [0:0;fff]
> [0:9f000;fffff]
> [0:1fffd000;febfffff]
> [0:fec01000;fedfffff]
> [0:fee01000;ffffffff]
> IO PORTS--------------------------
> [0:0;fffffff]
> MOE: Hello world
> MOE: found 367776 KByte free memory
> MOE: found RAM from 1000 to 1d70f000
> MOE: allocated 471 KByte for the page array @0x1000
> MOE: virtual user address space [0-bfffffff]
> MOE: rom name space cap -> [C:501000]
>   BOOTFS: [7262000-7383391] [C:503000] l4re
>   BOOTFS: [7384000-75b82ea] [C:504000] ned
>   BOOTFS: [75b9000-7fc0b7d] [C:505000] io
>   BOOTFS: [1103000-12086d0] [C:506000] rtc
>   BOOTFS: [1209000-15fac37] [C:507000] mag
>   BOOTFS: [15fb000-1772b81] [C:508000] fb-drv
>   BOOTFS: [1100000-11007a4] [C:509000] l4_gingerbread-x86.cfg
>   BOOTFS: [1101000-11013b7] [C:50a000] x86-legacy.devs
>   BOOTFS: [1102000-1102618] [C:50b000] l4_android-x86.vbus
>   BOOTFS: [1773000-1aed83c] [C:50c000]
>   BOOTFS: [1aee000-1bee000] [C:50d000] root-x86-ginger.img
>   BOOTFS: [1bee000-7262000] [C:50e000] system-x86-ginger.img
> No fpage received
> MOE: cmdline: moe rom/l4_gingerbread-x86.cfg
> MOE: Starting: rom/ned rom/l4_gingerbread-x86.cfg
> MOE: loading 'rom/ned'
> Ned says: Hi World!
> Ned: loading file: 'rom/l4_gingerbread-x86.cfg'
> io      | Dev_factory: register factory for N2Hw11Gpio_deviceE
> io      | GTF: register factory for N2Hw12Msi_resourceE
> io      | GTF: register factory for 7Pci_dev
> io      | Dev_factory: register factory for N2Hw6DeviceE
> io      | Io service
> io      | Find root Pointer
> io      | Find root Pointer: fdab0
> io      | ACPI: RSDP 0xfdab0 00014 (v00 BOCHS )
> io      | ACPI: RSDT 0x1fffd6a0 00034 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCRSDT 00000001 BXPC
> 00000001)
> io      | ACPI: FACP 0x1ffffe70 00074 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCFACP 00000001 BXPC
> 00000001)
> io      | ACPI: DSDT 0x1fffd8a0 02560 (v01   BXPC   BXDSDT 00000001 INTL
> 20100528)
> io      | ACPI: FACS 0x1ffffe00 00040
> io      | ACPI: SSDT 0x1fffd800 0009E (v01 BOCHS  BXPCSSDT 00000001 BXPC
> 00000001)
> io      | ACPI: APIC 0x1fffd720 00072 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCAPIC 00000001 BXPC
> 00000001)
> io      | ACPI: HPET 0x1fffd6e0 00038 (v01 BOCHS  BXPCHPET 00000001 BXPC
> 00000001)
> io      | Parsing all Control Methods:
> io      | Table [DSDT](id 0001) - 381 Objects with 77 Devices 118 Methods
> 7 Regions
> io      | Parsing all Control Methods:
> io      | Table [SSDT](id 0002) - 8 Objects with 0 Devices 4 Methods 0
> Regions
> io      |  tbxface-0601 [02] TbLoadNamespace       : ACPI Tables
> successfully acquired
> io      | evxfevnt-0184 [02] Enable                : Transition to ACPI
> mode successful
> io      | evgpeblk-1129 [04] EvCreateGpeBlock      : GPE 00 to 0F [_GPE] 2
> regs on int 0x9
> io      | /home/viswa/Documents/final/l4/pkg/acpica/lib-acpi/src/
> io      | Completing Region/Field/Buffer/Package
> initialization:....................
> io      | Initialized 7/7 Regions 0/0 Fields 8/8 Buffers 5/5 Packages (398
> nodes)
> io      | Initializing Device/Processor/Thermal objects by executing _INI
> methods:
> io      | Executed 0 _INI methods requiring 0 _STA executions (examined 80
> objects)
> io      | evgpeblk-1234 [03] EvInitializeGpeBlock  : Found 0 Wake, Enabled
> 16 Runtime GPEs in this block
> io      | ACPICA-Version:20091214, System in ACPI MODE, 32bit timer
> io      | Ready. Waiting for request.
> mag     | Hello from MAG
> fb      | Trying execution of ``set VBE mode'' using x86emu
> fb      | Found VESA BIOS version 2.0
> fb      | OEM VGABIOS Cirrus extension
> fb      | VBE mode 0x117 successfully set.
> fb      | Framebuffer memory: phys: f0000000 - f0400000
> fb      |                     virt: 400000 - 800000
> fb      | Starting server loop
> mag     | mapped frame buffer at 0x400000
> mag     | View::Info:
> mag     |   flags: 0
> mag     |   size:  1024x768  pos: 0, 0
> mag     |   bytes_per_line: 2048
> mag     |   buffer_offset:  0
> mag     |   RGBA(2): 5(11):6(5):5(0):0(0)
> mag     |   memory 400000-800000
> mag     | L4INPUT native mode activated
> mag     | L4INPUT:                !!! W A R N I N G !!!
> mag     | L4INPUT:  Please, do not use Fiasco's "-esc" with L4INPUT.
> mag     | L4INPUT:                !!! W A R N I N G !!!
> mag     | serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
> mag     | serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
> mag     | input: ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse on isa0060/serio1
> mag     | input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard on isa0060/serio0
> mag     | connect "ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse", isa0060/serio1/input0
> mag     | connect "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard", isa0060/serio0/input0
> mag     | Plugin: Frame-buffer service started
> mag     | Plugin: Mag_client service started
> android | PH  0 (t:        1) offs=00001000 vaddr=00400000 vend=00685000
> android |                     phys=00400000 ephys=00685000
> android |                     f_sz=00285000 memsz=00285000 flgs=r-x
> android | PH  1 (t:        1) offs=00286000 vaddr=00685000 vend=0077d000
> android |                     phys=00685000 ephys=0077d000
> android |                     f_sz=0004aa2c memsz=000f8000 flgs=rw-
> android | PH  2 (t:        4) offs=001fe99c vaddr=005fd99c vend=005fd9c0
> android |                     phys=005fd99c ephys=005fd9c0
> android |                     f_sz=00000024 memsz=00000024 flgs=---
> android | Starting binary at 0x400000, argc=16 argv=0x80007f68
> *argv=0xb1007fec argv0=rom/
> android | External resolver is at 0xa80006d0
> android | ======> L4Linux starting... <========
> android | Linux version 3.5.0-l4 (viswa at atmvs17) (gcc version 4.6.1
> (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.1-9ubuntu3) ) #1 Mon Jan 13 12:42:11 CET 2014
> android | Binary name: rom/
> android | Linux kernel command line (15 args): console=ttyLv0 mem=256M
> l4bdds.add=rom/system-x86-ginger.img,rw androidboot.console=ttyLv0
> boot=local ip=dhcp l4x_rd=rom/root-x86-ginger.img rw
> root=1:0 ramdisk_size=1500 init=/init --debug l4fb.touchscreen=1
> androidboot.hardware=l4
> android | CPU mapping (l:p)[1]: 0:0
> android | Image: 00400000 - 0077d000 [3572 KiB].
> android | Areas: Text:     00400000 - 00685000 [2580kB] (a bit longer)
> android |        Data:     00685000 - 006a8540 [141kB]
> android |        Initdata: 006a9000 - 006d0000 [156kB]
> android |        BSS:      006d0000 - 0076d000 [628kB]
> android | gs=43   fs=43
> android | Device scan:
> android |   Device: (noname)
> android |   Device: PCI0
> android | Device scan done.
> android | l4x_fiasco_gdt_entry_offset = 9
> rtc     | Date:13.01.2014 Time:14:27:51
> android | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 418 (cpu0) (u:b3000e00,
> v:b3000c00, sp:00687ff8)
> android | main thread will be 418
> android | l4x_register_pointer_section: addr = 00685000 size = 1015808
> android | section-with-init: virt: 0x685000 to 0x77cfff [992 KiB]
> android | section-with-init: Phys: 0x00974000 to 0x00a6c000, Size:  1015808
> android | Main thread running, waiting...
> android | WARNING: Unknown wrmsr: 0000008b at 0x6bf130
> android | l4x_setup_memory: Forcing superpages for main memory
> android | l4re_global_env: 0xb1007e24
> android | Main memory size: 256MB
> android |     Main memory: virt: 0x800000 to 0x107fffff [262144 KiB]
> android |     Main memory: Phys: 0x08000000 to 0x18000000, Size: 268435456
> android | Filling lower ptabs...
> android | Done (1153 entries).
> android | l4x_register_pointer_section: addr = 00400000 size = 2641920
> android |            text: virt: 0x400000 to 0x684fff [2580 KiB]
> android |            text: Phys: 0x00659000 to 0x008de000, Size:  2641920
> android | l4x_rd_path: rom/root-x86-ginger.img
> android | Loading: rom/root-x86-ginger.img
> android | INITRD: Size of RAMdisk is 1024KiB
> android | RAMdisk from 1891b000 to 18a1b000 [1024KiB]
> Linux version 3.5.0-l4 (viswa at atmvs17) (gcc version 4.6.1 (Ubuntu/Linaro
> 4.6.1-9ubuntu3) ) #1 Mon Jan 13 12:42:11 CET 2014
> e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
> L4Lx-Memory: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x00000000003fffff] reserved
> L4Lx-Memory: [mem 0x0000000000400000-0x000000000077cfff] usable
> L4Lx-Memory: [mem 0x000000000077d000-0x00000000007fffff] unusable
> L4Lx-Memory: [mem 0x0000000000800000-0x00000000107fffff] usable
> Notice: NX (Execute Disable) protection missing in CPU!
> e820: last_pfn = 0x10800 max_arch_pfn = 0x100000
> init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x00000000-0x107fffff]
> INITRD: 1891b000 - 18a1b000
> 264MB LOWMEM available.
>   mapped low ram: 0 - 10800000
>   low ram: 0 - 10800000
> Zone ranges:
>   DMA      [mem 0x00400000-0xffffffff]
>   Normal   [mem 0x00000000-0x107fffff]
> Movable zone start for each node
> Early memory node ranges
>   node   0: [mem 0x00400000-0x0077cfff]
>   node   0: [mem 0x00800000-0x107fffff]
> e820: [mem 0x10800000-0xffffffff] available for PCI devices
> Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 65909
> Kernel command line: console=ttyLv0 mem=256M
> l4bdds.add=rom/system-x86-ginger.img,rw androidboot.console=ttyLv0
> boot=local ip=dhcp l4x_rd=rom/root-x86-ginger.img rw
> root=1:0 ramdisk_size=1500 init=/init --debug l4fb.touchscreKernel command
> line: console=PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
> Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
> Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
> __ex_table already sorted, skipping sort
> Initializing CPU#0
> Memory: 259676k/270336k available (2036k kernel code, 6040k reserved, 684k
> data, 156k init, 0k highmem)
> virtual kernel memory layout:
>     fixmap  : 0x18901000 - 0x1891b000   ( 104 kB)
>     vmalloc : 0x10800000 - 0x18800000   ( 128 MB)
>     lowmem  : 0x00000000 - 0x10800000   ( 264 MB)
>       .init : 0x006a9000 - 0x006d0000   ( 156 kB)
>       .data : virtual kernel memory layout:
>     fixmap  : 0x18901000 - 0x1891b000   ( 104 kB)
>     vmNR_IRQS:192 nr_irqs:192 192
> Console: colour dummy device 80x25
> console [ttyLv0] enabled
> l4timer: Using IRQ65
> android | l4lx_thread_create: Created thread 420 (timer) (u:b3000a00,
> v:00000000, sp:00707ff4)
> Detected 2394.021 MHz processor.
> Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency..
> 4788.04 BogoMIPS (lpj=23940210)
> pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
> Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
> android | WARNING: Unknown wrmsr: 0000008b at 0x6bf130
> CPU: Intel QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.14.1 stepping 03
> Performance Events: android | WARNING: Unknown rdmsr: 00000186 at 0x6afb4f
> android | WARNING: Unknown rdmsr: 00000187 at 0x6afb4f
> android | WARNING: Unknown wrmsr: 000000c1 at 0x6afbd0
> Broken PMU hardware detected, using software events only.
> NET: Registered protocol family 16
> bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
> Failed to create "l4x" debugfs directory: 1
> Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.25.
> Switching to clocksource l4kipclk
> NET: Registered protocol family 2
> IP route cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
> TCP established hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
> TCP bind hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
> TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384)
> TCP: reno registered
> UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
> UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
> NET: Registered protocol family 1
> Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
> rootfs image is not initramfs (junk in compressed archive); looks like an
> initrd
> INITRD: Freeing memory.
> l4x: Checks passed.
> platform rtc_cmos: registered platform RTC device (no PNP device found)
> squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
> msgmni has been set to 507
> io scheduler noop registered
> io scheduler deadline registered
> io scheduler cfq registered (default)
> l4fb.0: looking for capability 'fb' as goos session
> l4fb l4fb.0: 640x480 at 16 2bypp, size: 614400 @ 18a00000
> l4fb l4fb.0: 5:6:5 11:5:0 linelen=1280 visual=2
> l4fb l4fb.0: l4fb L4 frame buffer device (refresh: 10jiffies)
> Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30
> L4 serial driver
> ttyLv0 at MMIO 0x1 (irq = 64) is a L4
> brd: module loaded
> l4bdds: Disk 'rom/system-x86-ginger.img' size = 88528 KB (86 MB) flags=101
> addr=18a96000
>  l4bdds0: unknown partition table
> mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
> rtc_cmos rtc_cmos: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
> rtc_cmos rtc_cmos: only 24-hr supported
> ashmem: initialized
> logger: created 256K log 'log_main'
> logger: created 256K log 'log_events'
> logger: created 256K log 'log_radio'
> logger: created 256K log 'log_system'
> TCP: cubic registered
> NET: Registered protocol family 17
> /home/viswa/Documents/final/l4android/drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to
> open rtc device (rtc0)
> ALSA device list:
>   #0: Dummy 1
> RAMDISK: ext2 filesystem found at block 0
> RAMDISK: Loading 1024KiB [1 disk] into ram disk... done.
> VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) on device 1:0.
> Freeing unused kernel memory: 156k freed
> init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
> init: Unable to open persistent property directory /data/property errno: 2
> init (1): /proc/1/oom_adj is deprecated, please use /proc/1/oom_score_adj
> instead.
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/servicemanager', disabling 'servicemanager'
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/vold', disabling 'vold'
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/netd', disabling 'netd'
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/debuggerd', disabling 'debuggerd'
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/rild', disabling 'ril-daemon'
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/app_process', disabling 'zygote'
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/alsa_ctl', disabling 'alsainit'
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/mediaserver', disabling 'media'
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/dbus-daemon', disabling 'dbus'
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/installd', disabling 'installd'
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/keystore', disabling 'keystore'
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/powerbtnd', disabling 'powerbtnd'
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/faketsd', disabling 'faketsd'
> init: cannot find '/system/bin/sh', disabling 'console'
> Switching to clocksource tsc
> Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 63656760 ns)
> Switching to clocksource l4kipclk
> ___________________________________
> --
> With warm regards,
> Final Year  B.E Computer Science and Engineering
> Coimbatore.
> Phone: +91 94427 94420
> Email: viswasekarsubramanian at
>  _______________________________________________
> l4-hackers mailing list
> l4-hackers at
> matthias.lange at <michael.hohmuth at> - Tel.
> 0351-41 888 614
> Kernkonzept GmbH.  Sitz: Dresden.  Amtsgericht Dresden, HRB 31129.
> Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Michael Hohmuth

With warm regards,
Final Year  B.E Computer Science and Engineering
Phone: +91 94427 94420
Email: viswasekarsubramanian at
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