Data streaming / sharing from client side in an IPC example

Ajith Whowe ajith.whowe at
Mon Jan 27 15:03:05 CET 2014

Dear all,

I have reviewed available examples for the client server based
applications. Unfortunately could not find any example for which a client
sends a char array to the server side. Each time the client sends a request
and the server shares the data. Would it be possible to find an example for

For instance in the streammap example, the clients does the following
(writes basic protocal and message tag to the UTCB and waits for the stream
from the server would it be possible for the client to perform the stream
whereas the server waits for the input?:

s << l4_umword_t<>
<< (l4_addr_t<>
s << L4::Ipc::Rcv_fpage::mem((l4_addr_t<>)addr,

The server on the other hand gets the protocol and base adress and then
does the streaming:
ios >> snd_base;
// put something into the page to read it out at the other side
snprintf(page_to_map, sizeof(page_to_map), "Hello from the server!");
printf("Sending to client\n");
// send page
ios << L4::Ipc::Snd_fpage::mem((l4_addr_t<>)page_to_map,
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