Data streaming / sharing from client side in an IPC example

Martin Schröder martin.schroeder at
Mon Jan 27 19:02:50 CET 2014


Am 27.01.2014 15:03, schrieb Ajith Whowe:
> Dear all,
> I have reviewed available examples for the client server based 
> applications. Unfortunately could not find any example for which a 
> client sends a char array to the server side. Each time the client 
> sends a request and the server shares the data. Would it be possible 
> to find an example for that?
> For instance in the streammap example, the clients does the following 
> (writes basic protocal and message tag to the UTCB and waits for the 
> stream from the server would it be possible for the client to perform 
> the stream whereas the server waits for the input?:
> s << l4_umword_t 
> <>(Opcode::Do_map)
> << (l4_addr_t 
> <>)addr;
Just insert the following line here:

             s << "message from client";

> s << L4::Ipc::Rcv_fpage::mem((l4_addr_t 
> <>)addr, 
> <>, 
> 0);
> The server on the other hand gets the protocol and base adress and 
> then does the streaming:
> l4_addr_t 
> <> 
> snd_base;
> ios >> snd_base;
and insert here:

             unsigned long len;
             char buf[100];
             len = sizeof(buf);
             ios >> L4::Ipc::Buf_cp_in<char>(buf, len);
             printf ("Received from client: %s\n", buf);

> // put something into the page to read it out at the other side
> snprintf(page_to_map, sizeof(page_to_map), "Hello from the server!");
> printf("Sending to client\n");
> // send page
> ios << L4::Ipc::Snd_fpage::mem((l4_addr_t 
> <>)page_to_map, 
> <>,
> <>, 
> snd_base)
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