Library dependencies missing: stdlibs in directory

Emanuel Berg emanuel.berg.8573 at
Sat Feb 8 20:05:41 CET 2014

I tried to do exactly as your 'hello' application to
see if I could compile and link.

Among some other output, I got this message on 'make

Library dependencies missing: stdlibs in directory

Cflags dependencies missing: stdlibs in directory
    aborting.  Stop.

Before I did that, it told me to 'make O=obj_path
config' from src/l4, which I did, though I didn't setup
anything explicitly. I had to fetch 'pkg-config' from
the repos, but that worked great, only it wouldn't work
less the terminal had at least 80 columns - turns out,
in the Linux VT, I have 73 columns (i.e., char width),
and in X, in urxvt 78. But xterm was configurable in
.Xresources like this:

xterm*geometry:        80x28

Just sayin'.

What is "stdlibs"? It sounds like the C standard
library except for the trailing "s".

I tried to remove the "include" stuff from the C
source, as well as the 'puts' and 'sleep' (to just make
it return 0) - this, I thought, would make it
independent of any library routines, however, I got the
same error message.

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