l4/sys/syscalls.h: No such file or directory

Adam Lackorzynski adam at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Thu Aug 21 23:49:03 CEST 2014

On Thu Aug 21, 2014 at 16:18:46 +0200, Valentin Hauner wrote:
> On 08/20/2014 07:53 PM, Björn Döbel wrote:
> > In the second case (PC == 0) that won't work. This looks like someone
> > already performed a jmp/call to address 0. Here you will have to
> > figure out where things go wrong using printf()s. (Or GDB in the qemu
> > scenario...)
> >
> > Does that help?
> >   
> Yes, a bit. I decided to debug it with jdb. I've attached the jdb output
> as well as the main.c with the source code. It's a very small and simple
> example. The function 'create_edf_thread' matches largely with the main
> function of your utcb-ipc example, it just sets a different scheduling
> parameter (deadline based).
> Concerning the thread list output, those with id's 25 and 26 are the
> ones executing the functions thread1() respectively thread2() in main.c.
> I'm not sure what the state 'exc_progr' means for them in this context.
> 1b is #threadipc itself, 1e seems to be the main thread of it (but I'm
> not sure of that).
> Does your trained eye see the cause of this error?

The main issue is that you start 2 threads and then immediately leave
the main function, which exits your program and would also destroy all
threads. But it does not get so far...

> static int create_edf_thread(void *func, unsigned deadline) {
>   thread_stacks[count] = malloc(8 << 10);
>   l4_msgtag_t tag;
>   l4_cap_idx_t thread_cap = l4re_util_cap_alloc();
>   if (l4_is_invalid_cap(thread_cap))
>     return -1;
>   tag = l4_factory_create_thread(l4re_env()->factory, thread_cap);
>   if (l4_error(tag))
>     return -1;
>   l4_thread_control_start();
>   l4_thread_control_pager(l4re_env()->rm);
>   l4_thread_control_exc_handler(l4re_env()->rm);
>   l4_thread_control_bind((l4_utcb_t *)l4re_env()->first_free_utcb,
>                           L4RE_THIS_TASK_CAP);

Each thread needs to have a unique UTCB. In this example, you could fix
it like this:
    l4re_env()->first_free_utcb = (l4_addr_t)l4re_env()->first_free_utcb + L4_UTCB_OFFSET;
Remember that the size of the initial UTCB area is limited, so this only
works  a few times (allocating more is possible).

As both threads use the same UTCB this could result in the behavior
you're seeing.

>   tag = l4_thread_control_commit(thread_cap);
>   if (l4_error(tag))
>     return -2;
>   tag = l4_thread_ex_regs(thread_cap,
>                           (l4_umword_t)func,
>                           (l4_umword_t)(thread_stacks[count] + sizeof(thread_stacks[count])), 0);
>   if (l4_error(tag))
>     return -3;
>   l4_sched_param_t sp = l4_sched_param_by_type(Deadline, deadline, 0);
>   tag = l4_scheduler_run_thread(l4re_env()->scheduler, thread_cap, &sp);
>   if (l4_error(tag))
>     return -4;
>   thread_caps[count] = thread_cap;
>   return count++;
> }
> int main(void)
> {
>   create_edf_thread(thread1, 1);
>   create_edf_thread(thread2, 3);

Just calling thread() here should also work.

Adam                 adam at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
  Lackorzynski         http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/~adam/

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