strange Bug

Martin Schröder martin.schroeder at
Tue Nov 25 10:30:58 CET 2014

Am 24.11.2014 um 23:37 schrieb ba_f:
> Hi Martin,
> thank you, but i'm afraid, i haven't learnt the full lesson, yet.
>> Hi ba_f,
>> blx r7 is a false alarm, it cannot cause this type of write page
>> fault. Even the instruction itself makes no sense since r7 has a value
>> of 1.
>> Could you do the following: Insert a known write page fault into your
>> client (maybe something like *(volatile int *)0x0=0xaffedead; ) and
>> search for the pc in "objdump -d" on myClient. You can do the same
>> with myServer. This should match and you will see opcode causing the
>> write page fault.
>> Now enter JDB and dump the instruction @pc. This does not match the
>> opcode caused the write page fault. Check the last line of the dump
>> screen and you will see the reason: "dump: d<010001fc> physical".
>> Martin.
> All right,
> i inserted the faulty instruction, and the familiar Error Message occurs.
>    myClient| L4Re[rm]: unhandled write page fault @0 pc=7cddc
> Now, objdump does not show this PC in myClient or libClient. But as before, the PC is found in moe.
> Lesson learnt, this PC is useless for me???
> Ok back to myClient.
> Since i don't know the PC of *(volatile int *)0x0=0xaffedead; i search for the opcode and found this.
>    1fdd4:       e30d3ead        movw    r3, #57005      ; 0xdead
>    1fdd8:       e34a3ffe        movt    r3, #45054      ; 0xaffe
> Weird again, i can't find one of this instructions in bootstrap.elf.
> So still, i have no clue, how the PC in the Error Message shall lead me to the faulty instruction.

Can you repeat his with the hello example:

   for (;;)
       puts("Hello World!");
       *(volatile int *)0x0=0xaffedead;

When I run this in Qemu I get:

MOE: cmdline: moe --init=rom/hello
MOE: Starting: rom/hello
MOE: loading 'rom/hello'
Hello World!
L4Re[rm]: unhandled write page fault at 0x0 pc=0x10001fc
L4Re: unhandled exception: pc=0x10001fc


    id  cpu    name             pr     sp  wait    to state
    1d   0     -----             2     19    1a       rcv_wait,exc_progr
    1a   0     #hello           ff     19     -       rcv_wait
     a   0     moe              ff      9     -       rcv_wait
     8   0     sigma0            1      7     -       rcv_wait
     6   1     -----             0      1             ready
     5   0     -----             0      1             ready


thread  :  1d <0xf11a4000>      CPU: 0:0        prio: 02
state   : 40008 rcv_wait,exc_progr
wait for:   1a  polling:        rcv descr: 00000000
lcked by:                       timeout  :
cpu time:  13.000 ms            timeslice: 2000/-1 �s
pager   : [C:   3] D:  1a       task     : D:  19
exc-hndl: [C:   3] D:  1a       UTCB     : f11da200/b3000200
vCPU    : ---
vCPU    : ---

PC=010001fc USP=80007ef8
[0] 0000000d 00000001 00000004 0100952c [4] affedead 00000000 00000001 00000005
[8] 01018014 010001e0 00000005 80007f04 [c] 00000008 01009590 60000010 20000010


thread  :  1a <0xf11a0000>      CPU: 0:0        prio: ff
state   : 008 rcv_wait
wait for: ---   polling:        rcv descr: 00000000
lcked by:                       timeout  :
cpu time:  27.000 ms            timeslice: 2000/-1 �s
pager   : [C:   5] D:  16       task     : D:  19
exc-hndl: [C:   5] D:  16       UTCB     : f11da000/b3000000
vCPU    : ---
vCPU    : ---

PC=b0001e78 USP=b1007d70
[0] 00000000 b3000000 fffff806 04000000 [4] 00000000 b001910c 00000000 fffffc18
[8] b00190e4 00000000 b1007d74 b1007d94 [c] 00000001 b0001e78 fffffff8 60000010


objdump -d pkg/hello/server/src/OBJ-arm_armv7a-l4f/hello

010001e0 <main>:
  10001e0:	e92d4830 	push	{r4, r5, fp, lr}
  10001e4:	e30d4ead 	movw	r4, #57005	; 0xdead
  10001e8:	e28db00c 	add	fp, sp, #12
  10001ec:	e34a4ffe 	movt	r4, #45054	; 0xaffe
  10001f0:	e3a05000 	mov	r5, #0
  10001f4:	e59f0010 	ldr	r0, [pc, #16]	; 100020c <main+0x2c>
  10001f8:	eb0024a2 	bl	1009488 <puts>
  10001fc:	e5854000 	str	r4, [r5]
  1000200:	e3a00001 	mov	r0, #1
  1000204:	eb001f4b 	bl	1007f38 <sleep>
  1000208:	eafffff9 	b	10001f4 <main+0x14>
  100020c:	01012b50 	.word	0x01012b50


and pc=0x10001fc matches exactly the page fault.

Indeed, I didn't found this in objdump -d bootstrap.elf either.


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