iostream and string in L4Re

Erry Pradana Darajati pradana.erry at
Wed Dec 17 20:03:05 CET 2014

Hello, L4-hackers. i have a short question.
Is iostream and string functions present in L4Re. Since i cannot use it. I
have already included the line below in my makefile :

*REQUIRES_LIBS   += libc_be_file_stdin libstdc++ cxx_libc_io cxx_io*
And also, how to make hello-cfg be able to accept keyboard input. I have
already include libc_be_file_stdin and include line below in my hello.cfg
but it still not working :

*L4.default_loader:start({ caps = { log = L4.Env.log,},l4re_dbg =
L4.Dbg.Warn,log = { "l4linux", "yellow" },}, "rom/hello");*

​Thank you for the answers​

*Erry Pradana Darajati | Student of Computer Engineering*
*Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya / EEPIS, Indonesia*
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