Library dependencies missing: stdlibs in directory

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Tue Feb 11 23:06:26 CET 2014

On Mon Feb 10, 2014 at 23:34:01 +0100, Emanuel Berg wrote:
> Adam Lackorzynski <adam at> writes:
> > I can recommend 'make textconfig' and 'make
> > oldconfig' for your convenience.
> Thanks, yes, 'make O=... oldconfig' did it but 'make
> O=... textconfig' complained:
> make: *** No rule to make target `textdconfig'.  Stop.

Indeed, textconfig is only there in the kernel. Sorry, mixed that up.

> >> What is "stdlibs"? ...
> >
> > It's an alias in the build system to group the
> > necessary libraries required for building a program.
> > Did you build the tree to a successful end before you
> > compiled your own program?
> You mean there is something else to "build" except for
> compiling and linking? In that case, no, what I did
> was:
> 1) (manually) create the src directory tree, with the
> Makefiles, mimicking the selfsame tree for 'hello';

That's ok for creating your own package.

> and, created a dir in .../obj/l4/x86/pkg

That is not necessary, and will be done automatically by the build

> 2) 'make O=... config' (or 'oldconfig') in .../src/l4

Yes. After that you do:
  make O=... -j4

And wait until finished. The file must be there in your
build tree (at .../ otherwise it did not run through

> 3) 'make O=...' in .../src/l4/pkg/program


> > You need to build the tree ...
> Is this tree (for 'hello') not the (filesystem) tree:
> .../src/l4/pkg/hello/server/src
> - ? If it is, are you saying setting it up is
> automatized by some tool?

As said, the approach of looking at an existing package is ok for
building your own.

Adam                 adam at

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