shared dataspace for l4re_kernel/ registering additional caps in ned

Stark, Josef j.stark at
Sat Sep 20 22:45:19 CEST 2014

Everything's working so far! But I have another question... (the actual question is at the bottom)

Here's what I do now:
If manager wants to start a received binary, it tells Ned to start "network",
e.g. start({caps = {ipc_gate= L4.Env.ipc_gate}},"network"); and Ned then starts
- as usual - l4re. l4re then detects the special filename - "network" - and instead of 
trying to load a file with this filename from ROM (which doesn't exist) it asks manager for 
the shared dataspace which holds the binary. Since manager may alter the content
of the shared dataspace later, l4re copies the shared dataspace and then launches this copy.

So, basically, (in of l4re_kernel) instead of 

	file = L4Re_app_model::open_file(Global::l4re_aux->binary);

we do

	L4::Cap<L4Re::Dataspace> ds;
	get_shared_dataspace(ds); //allocation and IPC stuff
	file=L4Re_app_model::alloc_ds(ds->size()); //this method is now static

and then continue with the regular 

	loader.start(file, Global::local_rm, Global::l4re_aux);

which works.

But my question is, once the task gets killed or finishes, do I need to release/free/unmap
the dataspace "file" again (since it is a copy in memory and not a file on ROM)
to avoid a resource leak, and, if so, where whould I do this? Or is this done automatically?



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