l4linux shutdown cleanup

Martin Schröder martin.schroeder at openlimit.com
Thu Oct 9 10:25:18 CEST 2014

Hi Ramya,

Am 08.10.2014 um 16:18 schrieb Masti Ramya Jayaram:
> Dear all,
> I would like to perform some cleanup operations after l4linux shuts down..such as zero out all the memory it used and re-encrypt the original vmlinux image. I would like to know how I could do this from sigma0 preferably or even in the fiasco kernel. Could anyone point me to where the clean up procedure (release of resources) occurs once l4linux shuts down?

I fear that Sigma0 does not care about any entry or exit of l4linux. What about doing this in the Moe config script instead? Have a 
look into the x86-fb.cfg example where the exit of a task is caught like this:

e = l:start({ caps = {
	... );
print("ex_fb_spectrum exited with: " .. e:wait());

In addition you could do the housekeeping stuff there.


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